ilawrie's blog

  • Many Thanx

    Hello everybody!! Just want to thank you all who replied to my blog (30/06/09) Words of wisdom-right enough!! Oddly-the comments kind of cheer me up a bit. It`s all so comforting knowing that I can communicate with you guy`s. THANKYOU ALL!!!! (((hugs))) Irene x
  • Help

    Hello all. Looking for a bit of advise. Been getting chemo ,now into 8th week. Really thought i was managing it all quite well. Had my last infusion last Tuesday and take myself daily. This last cycle has basically knocked the stuffing out of me-big time!! Everything is such a struggle to cope and deal with-is this normal proccedure?? I`m down in the dumps and can`t seem to get back up,crying at the most simple things…
  • Hiya

    Morning all!! I`m off to a day in hospital for infusion of chemo today at 9am till 8pm. Fine relaxing day then eh? This being the last one for the meantime before surgery-so all things crossed-just hope all goes to plan. Last time was put off, due to bloods not being good! Sorry for the panic-but had to tell somebody. Irene x