The drugs don't work

1 minute read time.

We saw the consultant (or a consultant, at least, I don't think I'd ever seen her before) today. Eventually. There was an hour's wait first. Of course there was.

Was it worth the wait? Well, she told me that last week's CT scan showed no improvement in the abdominal growths and, in fact, it showed up a new one (or an established one that'd grown; Judy and I heard different things) on the pelvis, from which I think we can take it that the current course of chemo isn't working. I'm going to have another three-week course of one dose of poxytaxel per week, starting today, and then I presume they'll try something else. At least, I hope they will. There isn't really a lot of point, but I suppose they have to at least look as if they're trying.

The consultant also wanted me to have a blood transfusion; that's scheduled for tomorrow. I also have to have yet another ascitic drain, which should be in the next couple of weeks, assuming the Churchill doesn't fk it up. About as welcome as a cup of cold sick, that one, it is hurty hurty HURTY, but it has to be done before I go POP and die fast and messily instead of slowly and drearily.

So no. Not really worth the wait at all. Next time I am going to demand to see the alternate universe consultant, the one who sings her diagnoses in Disney songs ("The pharmaceutical industry thanks her/Its profit margins depend on cancer") and scatters pixie dust far and wide.

That will be far more satisfactory.

  • FormerMember


    You are certainly going through the mill. I hope the new treatment is more successful.

    Message to Mr Crab: Get Lost, you're not wanted here!

    Huge hugs,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dearest Hilary,

    I am so fed up that you have not got a break for once and a bit of better news especially today when i got let off the hook for a couple of months and feel a bit bad saying whoohoo when you must feel like shit.

    Sorry. I will try and magic up an alternative universe for you where nice docs sing happy songs and make you well and all that. In the meantime while i go to witch school, I hope the new drugs help and I know the drain is horrid but it does make crabby less bitey for a bit and the transfusion will help a bit too... Oh bugger, lets face it, its shit and its shit that I can't do anything to make it less shit.

    I send you some useless hugs but they are heartfelt and all the positive vibes there are.

    (I assume positive vibes regenerate the same as hugs).

    Lots of love to you

    Little My xxx

    ps I might let you win at wwf if that helps... start a game up x

  • FormerMember

    Really sorry to hear that. Hope the blood transfusion makes you feel a bit better at least, and you find something that works well in the longer term.

    I'm sure it's something you've looked at already, but if the drain is hurty is there anything that can be tried for better pain relief? One would hope doctors would be proactive with that kind of thing...but then I can think of at least one who thought 'that f-king hurts!' was my way of saying that it was fine to crack on with the procedure with no further pain relief, so it can be worth asking explicitly if there's anything else.

  • FormerMember

    Aw Hilary, that sucks! You deserve a break!! 

    *zooms to parallel universe and brings you the doctor you desire and joins in with disney songs* 

    Sending all the love, positive vibes n most importantly uber tight squeezes to hopefully make you feel a little beta!

    *crosses fingers transfusion helps you feel a bit beta too*


  • FormerMember
    OI YOU (shouting loudly), of course there is a point to them trying all and any different treatments to get one of them blasting this thing to smitherines and don't ever give up on that hope. As for hurty hurty, I am here to hold your hand as well all are and just squeeze tight when you need to. It does sound a better option than going pop!?! Come on Hils, chin up, you can do this. A big hug to you and fingers crossed for a painless and on time with cake at the end blood transfusion today (today?). C xxxxxx