New changes to benefits – Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

1 minute read time.


From today (8 April 2013) the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP) comes into effect in certain parts of the country. It replaces Disability Living Allowance (DLA) which helps people with the additional costs of living with a disability or long term health condition.

We know that many people with cancer rely on DLA to help them cover additional costs, such as frequent trips to the hospital for treatment.

Currently most people will still apply under DLA, but new claims by working age people living in the following regions will be assessed under the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP):

  • Merseyside
  • North West England
  • Cumbria
  • Cheshire
  • North East England

In June 2013, Personal Independence Payment (PIP) will be rolled out nationally for all new claims, and from October anyone being reassessed for DLA will have their claim reviewed under PIP. Find out if the personal independence payment affects you 

Macmillan and welfare reform


As part of the Put the Fair into Welfare campaign, Macmillan successfully campaigned against an increase in the qualifying time for PIP. The increase would have meant people waiting six months before applying for benefits, rather than three months as they do for DLA.

But with tougher criteria for claiming PIP compared to DLA, we’re concerned that some people living with cancer may no longer be eligible for this important benefit. 

Macmillan will monitor the impact of the welfare reforms on people with cancer and raise any concerns with the government.

If you’re affected by these changes, we’re keen to hear your views on how the new system is working for you. Please tell us below, or email the campaigns team at

Find out more about Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and how it affects you. 

Worried about money?

If you have questions about changes to the benefits system, join our Welfare Reform webchat on the 25 April between 12 and 1pm with Sarah from the Macmillan welfare rights team.

If you are affected by cancer and are worried about money visit Macmillan’s website for financial support and advice.
