Foul smelling flatulence long after reversal

  • 29 replies
  • 135 subscribers

Hello everyone.

It is a long time since I lasted posted and my thoughts and secular prayers remain with everyone suffering from or connected with rectal cancer.

On my last posting I was happy to report progress after my reveral operation but things did then become a bit more complex with bowel action problems. Most of these have settled now but I am left with the above socially difficult situation. About an hour after my evening meal, no matter what it is, I have this persistent and extremely  foul smelling wind. It causes me no physical distress but is socially impossible and continues until I go to sleep. It would help me to know if anyone else suffers this and of any way to alleviate it. I am sure my ever loving and long suffering wife will be grateful for any positive answers as well. 

  • FormerMember

    I have tried the Devrom product and it does seem to reduce the smell of flatulence. It does turn my stool a dark black which is alarming at first but is typical in the use of products containing bismuth. I had to use the maximum dose to completely eliminate any odor and it took about 3 days to really start working. It did not affect the consistency of my stool or cause any other changes to my bowel habits, but I read it may cause constipation in some, so please use with caution. I will probably keep this in mind as a backup if I have an event coming up (wedding in a few months) but it’s pretty pricey to take just to stay home with my family (sorry guys) and plus I’m nervous about taking any OTC product day in and out. So I will keep looking for a permanent solution. I have a appointment with another colorectal specialist next week. I hope those who’ve written here all the best. 

  • Hi juju and others

    New to this forum. I had my reversal 5 months ago. Not exactly back to normal as taking loperamide daily for some degree of control and my belly doesn't really feel part of me. Having wind issues that I put down to Christmas as rather worse than earlier months.

    Initially I was desperate to have the reversal but got used to the bag fairly quickly- occasional mishap excepted. After a while what really upset me was the ever increasing hernia and. that became the driving motive for reversal.  Arguments both ways for reversal. I don't  expect things will ever be as they were pre-bag, but I can cope with the "new normal"

  • oh yes!!!!! I am rather proud of my super stinkers, I look on the as a badge of survival. In all seriousness try to eliminate foods that make you more farty, for instance if the wife has peed me off i have grapes I generally avoid any fruit with skin on though

  • What are members' post reversal experiences of:

    Whether the feeling of  not quite emptying with bowel movements and needing to go again after 15 minutes diminishes over time

    Whether the nerve sensations over the belly settle down. Some areas feel normal, others like plastic

  • Hi Julie

    I had a bag for a bit over two and a half years.  The delay in the reversal being down to covid.  I had a slight wobble about the reversal but only when the surgeon was running through the risks immediately before the op -  3% mortality, risk of not being able to reconnect etc.  But as they were all lined up up to go and the op would also get rid of an ever expanding hernia I went ahead with it.  First couple of months bowels were erratic - the worst was going, not being able to empty completely then having to go again within the hour.  But now settled down to the new normal.  I find I am far windier since.  Most of the time no problem, but occasionally really, really smelly.  I haven't yet found a trigger food, or perhaps a combination of foods  that bring it on.  I too was used to the bag but that didn't mean I liked it and I am far happier without.  I had 3 ops in total.  Scars faded but belly feels funny to touch.  Some areas sensitive, others no nerve sensation at all.  Not sure if this is permanent.

  • HI My Farty Friends !! .

    My reversal was around 5 years ago, feels like yesterday as it was so momentous. Initially the really smelly and uncontrollable wind was a disaster. I could not have a meal in company as 10 min later it would start. I was in a small closed office and the silent stinkers were noticed by everyone. I was soooo embarrassed!! As the manager it was intolerable and I left the company.

    Glad to report these years later the foul smelling farts have eased up and more controllable. I think that the flora in my intestines have now properly reestablished. I can eat anything, and still windy but not so smelly. 

    I do however still suffer from chronic constipation, having to take drastic action to get the stools out of my body. My doc said she had never seen such a large thrombosis hanging out my anus due to the pressure I use to rid the stools. I fear one day I will not be strong enough to push these stools out. I have to rely on meds to keep regular and even then it is still not normal, having to go every few hours with only small successes. I think I have the world record for the smallest stool being passed in the longest time on the loo, sometimes more than an hour!

    I am thankful to my husband who sees the funny side of the stinkers. Its a social cross to bear but I am very grateful to be alive.    

  • Hi

    I am  6 years post reversal. It’s true that things are never quite the same for many of us however things generally do get much much better.

    You asked if the feelings and need to go diminishes after time .

    Fir me the feelings etc remain but the time between what I know call episodes increases . 

    Personally I can go for very long stable periods of time  where my worries about flatulence , lack of control or constipation do not bother me .I find my normal pattern is very much affected by what I eat, how much I  exercise and what’s going on around me.

    I think I have calmer periods for perhaps 6 to 8 weeks , with a minor ‘episode ‘ .

    I still have moments too where I feel like I have passed a stool but actually haven’t , this is also a sign of me heading towards a clear out session.

    I still have days when I feel that I am not completely emptying my bowels in one sitting , know that when I pass very tiny stools over a period of 2 days that I am usually heading towards a significant ‘clear out’.

    The clear out can mean having large motions every 20 or so minutes . My normal pattern is three times of almost normal stools  with a kind of ‘flurry ‘ of loose stool at the end .Then I know that my bowels are empty .

    I have driven long distances , flown long haul , take part in exercise etc.When I travel I remain a little cautious and very careful about what I eat and drink the day prior to and the day of travelling .

    I have been lucky enough to never have an embarrassing moment on an  aeroplane ,it took me a couple of years post reversal to relax . As  I said I am mindful of what I eat , carry wipes etc . 

    I have flown to Greece , Italy and Funchal and never had an issue.

    I flew long haul pre Covid to see my family in USA .

    The flight made me fell very bloated  ( but that happens whether or not you have had bowel cancer ) it’s just more pronounced and for a couple of days I felt constipated and that I couldn’t completely clear my bowels when I feel the need to go to the loo.Fruit juice and healthy eating fixed it .

    Always have immodium in my pocket just in case but have not actually taken any whilst travelling in the last 5 years.

    At first , post reversal I took stuff as advised , loperamide , fybrogel . 
    Chia seeds etc to help balance my gut .

    I couldn’t find a pattern to address going to the loo so I stopped taking stuff and relied on diet and exercise .I am not an athlete , so by exercise it’s what keeps you going . Sitting around made every thing much worse. 

    I don’t take medication at all .The stuff I carry is a kind of placebo and back up just in case.

    On long haul travel I am much more cautious because it’s more difficult and not healthy to avoid eating and drinking for prolonged periods of time . I become a little bit more anxious then so I watch my diet carefully .

    I like to eat a varied diet , lots of fruit , vets . 

    I eat a kind of Mediterranean diet mostly and find if that if I avoid fats , creams etc I do a lot better.

    I mostly cook in olive oil , the “greener’ the better.

    Am at my absolute best when I eat more fish than meat .

    I like a drink but know that if I go down the fizzy route or excessive alcohol route  then I may pay the price.My stomach reverts quickly to being very very sensitive and unpredictable . Having said that I can still enjoy a trip to the pub , meals out .

    My close friends tell me that I don’t seem too different from those who haven’t had bowel surgery in this respect , that’s it’s an over indulgence age thing !! 

    Well it might be but I kind of know when my stomach and shortened colon are warning me to slow down .It’s a very  distinct feeling.

    Bloated tummy , tender gut , pressure on the back passage .

    When I do have a bad time , as I did the other evening I can put it down to excesses , my own stupidity and not giving my gut a chance to settle.( fish and chips , beer wine wine then a trip to the curry house the next evening led to very poor sleep and much of the night spent on the loo) 

    Occasionally , only very very occasionally do I find it difficult to pinpoint any physical reason if I have a bit of an ‘episode’ . Perhaps during busy times the bacteria in my gut does it’s own stress related stuff? 
    Drinking turmeric drink , or kefir drinks helps to rebalance stuff quickly. 
    eating too much bread is an absolute killer too. My stomach  bloats very quickly and I feel gassy and bunged up very quickly.

    When this happens I feel a little bit of ‘oh here we go again ‘ but truth be told , it’s manageable .

    I am now 65 and living life to the fullest.

    I really feel that  having the reversal was a positive step for me.I too found using the bag quite easy , so it’s a personal choice , if you are medically able to choose.

    It’s easy to list all the things that happen post bowel cancer , but for me it’s important to remember  that I am up and at it most days , can travel , do all the things that I enjoy and that there are those who have worse issues .

    The first few months /year post reversible can leave you feeling vulnerable and lacking in confidence but my philosophy is , to do what you want to do , don’t hold back .

    if you need support in terms of medication , pants etc then don’t feel embarrassed about packing them in your bag , car , suitcase , whatever.

    Don’t let it stop you ‘doing and enjoying’.

    What I call episodes may sound horrific , they are certainly not nice, no one enjoys not know if they can make it to the loo, or the awful feeling of having to force a stool out ,  but I am still finding that  they are less and less frequent .

    Post reversal it’s important to really know and understand your own body and take it step by step.

    I wish those who are going through the early stages of recovery all the very best and hope that many of you can have a fulfilling life post cancer .
    I have had two primary cancers and have been fortunate to continue going about my life , and am extremely grateful to be so lucky . So when I have the odd bad moment I tell myself to pick my chin up off the floor .

    Ironically I don’t think about cancer, chemo or my surgeries and treatments very much at all , it hits me very very occasionally when I have a rough patch. 
    That’s what kind of prompted me to write on this forum for the first time in many years , hopefully to offer some positivity.

    1. Yes that's me to a tea 4 years since my reversal 
  • I fully agree with Riglia'a diet suggestions and I try to practice a similar diet.. However, during chemo, post major surgery for bc, I experienced constipation, occasionally acute, on and off. What did help to calm, regularise and facilitate bowel motions was daily 1 sachet of Movicol and 1 or 2 capsules docusate sodium. Both are gentle on the system and I took one morning and one in the evening. Subsequently, as I settled to a more regular easier pattern, I stopped Movicol and continued with 1 a day docusate sodium for a few more weeks before stopping altogether. After finishing chemo 3 months ago, I now only very occasionally take 1 ducosate sodium if I feel an undue delay in bowel motion or if I have perhaops over-indulged in 'blocking' food. Both meds are available OTC. You may wish to run these past your medic support doc or nurse.

    On a general note, I currently have a small half-glass of prune juice (Sainsbury's) with breakfast, as well as 1 dried prune and a small sprinkling of CRUSHED Flax seeds with breakfast cereal or porridge, after starting with a mix of bits of different fruit, ncl half a banana. 

    I try to stick with guideline of mixed diet of 'smallish meals', chew and chew well (digestion starts with saliva mixing well with food by chewing), and don't eat too fast !! I am horrified at how so many people, particularly youngsters, seem to gulp their food down far too quickly - that can't be good for physical and mental health I suspect.

    I hope the above can be of help to some. With movement, daily gentle walking, rest and time things can get much better post sugery and treatment. All the best.