Pleasant distraction

1 minute read time.
I had my second chemo today (FEC) and still not sure how really how I feel. Lost my hair over the weekend which came as a suprise - more suprised at how quick it happened and how addictive it was to pull out!! Hair loss started on Thursday and by Monday morning I had to shave off the little that was left. Now worried about losing my eyebrows - but hey due to power of the internet I have ordered false eyebrows ! Who'd have thought it ! I feel quite positive about the whole thing so far apart from the ice cream head aches during treatment, the thought of being bald (too late now), putting on weight from all the comfort eating etc but am suprised how much I hate being centre of attention. I hate talking about myself and get frustrated with it. Also quite suprised how cold one's head can get ! I wasn't keen on forums as some of the one's I had looked at when I was initially diagnosed I found quite depressing but this one seems to be so much positive and supportive - hence my first blog - you all inspired me. Thanks for sharing your stories good and bad it is nice to read about similar experiences or to have some idea of what to expect x
  • FormerMember

    Why did you have tatooing?  I'm having Chemo in a local hospital in Liverpool Fazakerly, 6 sessions in total. Two down four to go!  Then will have to travle to Clatterbridge on Wirral for three weeks of radiotherapy - I dont know when this will start but i know this will be hard as it will take me approx 30-40mins each way to get to Clatterbridge for this.

    I had surgery at the beginning of May and have to say that was the easy part compared to the chemo!

    I'm finding it more difficult dealing with the baldness at the moment, and so fed up of talking abut myself and the treatment.  I was never very good at being the centre of attention and as I'm sure you know its tiring talking about yourself all the time - oh for those days of normality of moaning about bad hair days, work etc. I know its not for long but it seems it sometimes.

    I had my first social outing last night - two in one night, we dont do things by half!  One was a family party which was ok the other was my boyfriends friends 40th.  By the time we got there all the ladies had gone home as they had to get up with children the next day and the men all thought the headscarf was a fashion acessory - god love them!

    Anyway moan over, thank you x

  • You seem to be having the same length of treatment as me.

    When you are ready for radiotherapy which is a breeze after chemo the first appointment you have they will mark out where the machine will zap you. This is done on a simulator which is very similar to the radiotherapy machine.

    They will tattoo little dots on you which to line up the machine. Does not hurt!!!!!!

    Never thought I would have tattoos at my age.

    It was 30 miles to Cheltenham for me so I had transport that the hospital arranged. All by private cars by volunteers. Sometimes just me and sometme fellow patients. It worked out very well so see if you can get that too.

    There are two things I hated in the past washing my hair and filling up my car with petrol.

    Will never moan about washing my hair again.

    Am trying to upload my photo so you can see how my hair has come back and the colour.Will have to get my son to do it for me as am not very good at such things.

    Glad you are getting out and about. Men are great arn't they. Bet they would not notice if you went without the scarf.

    Best of luck with chemo no 3. I used to put them all on my calendar and highlight them as I completed them.

    The time will soon go and you will be you again.

    Lots of Love

    Sue x x

  • FormerMember

    I know it seems hard to imagine life as normal at the moment.  I keep find myself getting angry at the stupid things that really dont matter but I suppose its a coping mechanism.

    I watched Dawn Porters programme about Breast cancer and had to turn it off as my other half was getting so worried about my anger towards her.  I'm not sure if you saw it but I just left that she belittled / dramatised what people go through.  She doesn't have cancer and hasn't had cancer so what gives her the right to get upset "just in case" it happens.  

    Anyway i am getting more used to the scarves and have done as you mentioned and marked on the calender the chemo that has been done, I didn't want to put the others on the calender in case it tempted fate and my bloods weren't right!  I am trying to plan things to look forward to and have a busy week next week as we are travelling to Switzerland to see my brother - now he's someone I feel sorry for!  He has a kidney problem (~ie one doesn't function) this let onto a hernia which was due for removal last Friday.  Due to some complication the poor guy is still in hospital over a week later with blood clots on his lungs as a result of whatever they did in this operation!  He has a four month old baby and the hospital is an hour away from his wife and home - now that puts it into perspective for me.

    anyway would be lovely to see a photo of you, I'm not too computer literate either but will try and do the same

    Take care

    Love Fi x

  • Sorry for delay. Some days I cannot face this site as it can upset me at times.

    Anyway am here and hoping you are coping ok with the chemo.

    I did not watch Dawn Porters prog thank goodness. Hate these people who said that they know how it must feel when they have not been thro it!!!!!!!!!

    Be positive with your calender dates. Sure your bloods will be fine. Just tick them off - it wont be long and then you can do the same with your radio dates.

    Hope you have a lovely time in Switzerland. Hope your brother is better. Am sure he will be pleased to see you.

    Still cant seem to get photo on. Tis ok on Facebook so I must be doing something wrong.

    Actually had my hair cut today!!!!!!!!! Had forgotten how expensive it is.


    Sue x x x