Winning through

Less than one minute read time.

The four monthly oncologist's appointment arrived. As usual sat and waited and waited despite my appointment according to the receptionist being the first.  Another person went ahead of me - on enquiring I was told three appointments could be given for the same time!  What the logic is in this arrangement I cannot imagine - it only leads to a rise in frustration waiting extra time,  annoyance, raised stress levels - not to mention car parking fees.

Well the results were worth waiting for - down to just over 8!!  Next time not even a blood test in four months.  My husband turned from a highly anxious person to Mr Happy.  Pity I had to live with Mr Anxious driving me nuts and highly stressed beforehand!  Dealing with his anxiety has at time been worse than the chemo etc.








  • FormerMember

    Congratulations -  I have found, from my numerous conversations with many medical personnel I have encountered so far, that they often have "no-shows" for appointments, even for surgical procedures !

    So, I'm not entirely surprised at them "overbooking" slots (I believe that airlines do precisely the same thing...overbooking flights, then banking on a certain jumber of booked passengers not showing up)

    As an engineer, I sympathise with the fact that they want to keep their very expensive, very skilled, people working as efficiently as possible.

    The downside for us, as "clients" , is that, should everyone actually turn up, some of us will be sat twiddling our thumbs for a while .......

    Given the generally good standard of care, it's something I've come to accept.....