Remission and ramblings.

1 minute read time.

It's there in black and white on the insurance letter - I am in remission! 

I had been complaining for some months now that I was feeling as though I was walking like a drunk.  Well I collapsed.  I was just stood in a crowd not doing anything and down I went and got stretchered off.  My pulse was racing.

I was sent home with instructions if I didnt feel well not to bother with the doctor but to dial for emergency services.  I took it easy but my heart was racing and I had to go and see the doctor.  The ECG was ok, and he took another blood test.  My pulse was racing and he gave me some beta blockers.  These worked!  My heart stopped racing, the dull ache in my head and chest went.  At night I no longer wake up feeling like a furnace.

During my chemo my blood pressure was taken only a couple of times.  On reflection I feel perhaps this should also be done when they do the blood test.

I suppose now the doctor will have to find the root cause of my racing pulse.  I am not too worried as I intend booking a holiday as I am feeling well - the best I have been in a very long time.

  • FormerMember

    Hope all goes well Solent and you have a lovely holiday.

    Love Rosie

  • FormerMember

    Congratulations on the remission.  I feel, like you, that blood pressure should be taken with the blood test, (or before treatment).  Why is it, when you get cancer they forget that you could be suffering from something else as well!

    Have a lovely holiday, and enjoy every moment of your remission.  I've just come back from a few days in Spain before I go back to the consultant on Monday to see if my remission is over again.

    Love n hugs
