When holding out isn't enough......

3 minute read time.

You know that phrase when you 'holding out' for something. And you're praying and hoping that the news you don't want to hear, will never come?

Well it has come. In the form of a tsunami ripping its way through my conciousness and searing itself permantly upon my life. My Dad has until Autumn. Bugger me to obilivion. He told me himself. In very calm gentle tones. 'Its not good news darling. I've got until Autumn. Its spread to my brain.' Oh Dad. Seriously,  I'd have given EVERYTHING I have to hear the words, Its a stroke. I've had a mini Stroke (TIA). That that was why his body's gone funny. But its not. Its the Cancer swelling his brain pressing on the nerves and dibilitating him and making his right hand side all weak and pathetic. 

'Its not good news darling. I've got until Autumn. Its spread to my brain.'

'Its not good news darling. I've got until Autumn. Its spread to my brain.'

Around and around. Again and again. And as he is telling me the news these in-human sobs I've NEVER heard myself make are ripping themselves from my body under protest. I feel sick. And light headed. And ill and small and frightened and horrified all at the same time. I want to scream out loud, and punch the bed I am sat on. I want to claw at my own skin and rip my way out of this reality. I desperately want to rage against this horrific injustice that i am feeling. Because its not fair. It never is mind. But at that moment, i can feel all that i have been clinging to this past year stripped away in an instance. And there is nothing. A blank wall. The calculation, the gambles I've played with hope, gone. The stupid, well this is bad so maybe Dad's results will be good. The 'Bad comes along in threes.....' Well, I've had two deaths this year already. And we can see who will be the third........

How much does this suck? I can't even bloody quantify it. And if i hear the words 'Oh well, at least you know how much time he has left, that must help.' one more time, i will NOT be held accountable for my actions.

S E R I O U S L Y! Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME! Oh yes it helps immensely that i know for a fact he is going to die in 3 months. That he won't make it to Christmas. It fills me with the most wonderful sense of calm and peacefulness. In fact i feel POSITIVELY GLOWING with the excitement of the news.................... *ahem*

I wish i could be all strong and Amazon woman like. I wish i had the capacity to push forward and be the beacon that i know everyone is expecting me to be. I know exactly what is expected of me. I will be expected to hoist the torch high above my head, and lead everyone to the ultimate destination. To ensure that all arms and legs remain inside the ride until we reach the finish and that seatbelts remain fastened whilst the sign is still lit. HOW the HELL am I going to do this?????

I've a Mother, Father and Brother to keep upright. I'm in the middle of relocating to Scotland from Swindon to be with my GF and Mum and Dad live in Dorest.  I'm also in the middle of going through a Divorce. I've handed in my notice at work and I am starting my new job in August and then Training throughout September. 

And all the while.........

'Its not good news darling. I've got until Autumn. Its spread to my brain.'

'Its not good news darling. I've got until Autumn. Its spread to my brain.'

Around and around it goes. In every speedy circles. Until I don't know whether to rip my hair out by the roots, or bash my head repeatedly into the desk infront of me. I can't cry. Because I won't cry. I'm numb with a headache the size of the UK. But yet I can feel my brain is on overload. 

'Its not good news darling. I've got until Autumn. Its spread to my brain.'

'Its not good news darling. I've got until Autumn. Its spread to my brain.'

I've never felt so powerless in my whole life.

And I've never felt more alone.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate,

    You have a hard time ahead of you. The thing is there isnt a single thing you can do about it . Thats whats probably doing your head in. I can only send you my Strength,support and comfort. Not that it will help your pain. But at least you know you are not alone. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Sarsfield.x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate

    Just wanted to send a ((hug)) your way. I know how you are feeling, I was with Mum when they said the words " Sorry, but there is no treatment that we can give you, you are looking at 2/3 months". Cancer  sucks, to put it mildly! Its not fair, its never fair, and I remember the feelings so clearly that you are now experiencing. Mum was diagnosed in June last year, and in July given 2/3 months with no chance of treatment .And no, it didn't help to know, it felt like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode!! Some people can be so insensitive can't they?!! Mum died on the 21st September 2010 and if anyone had told me a year ago that I would survive what was about to ensue I would have told them that I wasn't strong enough to lose my Mum, nor to live a life without her in it. Turns out there was no choice, I had to cope...and I am still doing so by taking it a day at a time, not thinking too much about what might have been, insted trying to remember how lucky I am to have had a Mum who was so wonderful, even if our time together was miles too short. This rollercoaster of a journey is not one we would ever choose to jump on, but once we find ourselves on it we have little choice but to see the ride through, turbulent and unpredictable though it is.

    You have a great deal going on, and must be feeling very stressed. The only advice I have is to prioritise where you can, your time with your Dad will be so precious to you, cherish every moment that you can because memories and love will hold you together. Your dad sounds very special, and he will be around in your heart always.

    Wishing you strength to help you through this journey, and hoping that your Dads remaining time is as fulfilling and comfortable as can be.

    With love Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you. All of you. I seriously didn't even think anyone would reply. But Its good to know that what I am thinking/feeling etc. IS par for the course. (Gosh what is it with the British and platitudes!)

    Anyrood. It is also helpful to know that the 3 month prognosis is just that. They said until Autumn. (Which from here is roughly 3 month.) so, October? of September? I don't know. I do know that I have been watching him die slowly in front of me for the last while. Because you can tell.

    But thank you all for your comfort and support. Because it means the world. As those of you who have walked this path before me know. Thank you. (Sharon and Sarsfield thank you for the Hugs xxxxxxx)

  • FormerMember

    Massive hugs to you I can only imagine what you are feeling, I am at the start of a cancer battle with my dad and fear the same outcome so feel so sad for you.



  • FormerMember


    I wish the best for you. Its a bitch of a disease. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. The only thing i will say is that I am brutally honest, because its the only way my brain functions!!!!!!!!

    However, fingers crossed that someone beats this thing aye.


