not waving but drowning

  • a bit blah


    It's a month since J's dad's funeral and his house is awaiting being sold. It's odd driving into town and not going round to see him! J is 'okay' and 'fine' and hasn't said a word about his dad at all. Nothing! He appears quite cheerful and is busily getting on with life, so I just leave him to it and make sure he knows he has someone to talk to, should hell freeze over and he wants a Heart to Heart. Very heavily starched…

  • the end of a chapter


    J's dad died about 3 a.m.on Saturday 23rd June 2012. We had bee tensed up waiting for it to happen since 8p.m. on Thursday... It was a difficult couple of days and nights (or however long it was) with 4 adults in his room at his bedside (his 3 offspring and me, there to keep an eye on J).

    On the last night we were joined by Margaret, a lovely Hospice at Home nurse, who was quiet, calm, gentle and efficient, and…

  • update on DIL


    Thank you for your kind comments and hugs, everybody.

    The latest today is that a syringe driver is being fitted, a Macmillan nurse is caring for DIL in the care home and he is too far gone to be moved to a hospice (or to any other place, despite J's bossy sister's somewhat harebrained ideas). As usual, it's not possible to give a time frame, but the mac nurse reckons on days at the most. (Which is what I'd thought…

  • slipping away


    There have been some developments with DIL in the last few days. He has become even more immobile and unresponsive. He complains of pains pretty much everywhere now. I don't understand this since we were told he was on morphine (oramorph, I think) and I had hoped that would blot it all out. The care home says the dosage may need to be adjusted as he is much sleepier (suggesting the dose is too high, maybe? but then…

  • a Taiwanese menagerie (dogs, cats, a baby, what's not to like?)


    This is Daisy, my stepgranddaughter in Taiwan. Her daddy is J's son and her mum Lucy is Taiwanese. The dachshund is Cooper, the other dog (a stray daddy rescued from the street) is Kai. The standing cat is Alabama and the other cat is Indiana. Daisy's middle name is Indiana too... Hope this makes somebody smile :) I miss her. Only met her once, last xmas, but skype weekly. x x x