Kezzerbird one..cancer nil !!!!!

1 minute read time.

Some may call me a numpty but today even though I have pain and my legs feel like they have turned to jelly, I was forced to walk into town all by myself!!!! I went to pay my water rates by card on the phone and was told my card was declined PANIC!!!!! I know I have money in my account so I had to go to the bank to find out what was going on and I didn't have money for a taxi SO after taken extra pain relief, off I go with snails overtaking me and feeling like the bank was at the other side of the world.....finally I reached the bank and found that my card was fine, so off I wobbled on legs that felt like rubber bands, minus the bones and treated myself to some t-shirts and some make up and even though the pain was building up, in my head I was having a party because my cancer wasn't going to let me do this but the bird decided she was going too. I am still a bit shakey but I have a huge grin across my mush, sod the pain and sod the cancer, I achieved something today and it feels so good, I may suffer for it but it is worth it. Today is a good day and thanks to Kirsty (you know who you are) for making and sending me the most wonderful muffins, I shall sit and have a bucket of tea and some muffins and continue to feel so damn pleased with myself and I think it is time that I put some more effort into recovering from my last chemos and kick my own butt a little and hugs to those who want them...Carol xx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it
