Kezzerbird...Oh joy of joys!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I went to see my crazy Oncologist today feeling quite bright in myself after requesting steriods to try and perk myself up after being flat on the floor with tiredness. Well my update is that I am having a break after almost non stop treatment once again for just over 12 months YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I am delighted, my poor ole body has taken such a beating and they are amazed that I am still standing (see tough old bird am I!!!) I have 5 weeks now to pick myself up and regain some better quality in my life, I shall then have my scan to see what is going on and take it from there, I know they are trying to buy me more time but quality of life for me is better than quantity, don't get me wrong, even with my diagnoses I shall never stop fighting this bloody cancer. Yesterday I had to go for a back into work interview, Yes I am dying of cancer but I am according to incapacity benifit am down as being fit for work!!!!!! I have a job waiting for me and it is my illness stopping me from working. What would I rather be doing.....working for ten and a half hours a week bringing home £150 after tax or getting £91 a week for staying home because I have cancer DOH!!! My Onc is fuming and will write a letter and so will my Mac nurse, I am a lady who loves her job and misses it so very much but cannot work and it isn't through choice I can assure you.  So the bird is going to get stronger and get her butt into gear and wait for the scan and the results and be ready to give my cancers a bloody good thrashing yet again. Ah Ah right on peeps!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want Carol xxxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, I told the DWP to stick their benefits as well. I just work part time now. They are lower than snakes bellies.

    Carry on fighting, enjoy the treatment break and get some quality time.

    Love, Bill xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, i was told that i was fit enough to go back to work about 5 months ago. I phoned up to complain and they said to write in saying i dispute it and once they have that letter in writing, while it is being disputed, they will pay you and even give you back pay.  I wrote in and they immediately started paying me, back dated it and gave me £10 for christmas!!!!!! Had letter confirming that it would not go to tribunal and they would pay me. Seems like a waste of time.

    Good luck

    Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Great that they are giving you some 'me' time.  I hope recover enough energy to enjoy it.  My onc is giving me a gentler drug, so that my quality of life is good now, in fact we are off on a cruise for my 60th birthday on Sunday. Make the most of each day kid, and get on with all you can.

    Good luck with the scan

    Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    I'm so glad your having a break mate, enjoy it....Long may it last, I agree with the quality of life minded, What a pain the Dhss are...... You keep it up mind! don't let them wear you down


  • FormerMember

    Great news Carol! A lovely time of year too so I hope this break puts a SPRING in your step!


    Love Julie XXXXXXX