my story

5 minute read time.

thanks everyone for your replys it means so much to me to know that people care about me and have been going through similar financial situations to me.ill give you the shortened verision of my life and maybe youll understand why i feel so bad right now,11 my parents split,i spent many a night listening to my dad hit my mum,my brother and sister were too little to understand or hear what was going on,13 i was a persistant truant,shoplifter and and general wild child,14 i was in care and my parents wouldnt talk to me at first,15 i was pregnant after my first sexual encounter,16 homeless with a baby on the way my mum took me back in and built a small extension on the back of the house that i lived in with my new son,i then turned very promiscous sleeping with anyone who would have me,then i met and married a drunk,we had a child together but after he hit my son (who was 4 at the time) i left-it went to court but was dropped due to lack of evidence,then i stayed at my mums again for a bit with the two kids,got a council house in the area the kids were at nursery and started again,got a wee job in a department store where i was up to my old tricks of sleeping about again when my parents had the kids at the weekend,i met a security gaurd from the store then guess what fell pregnant again and kept the baby,we split up soon after her was born and i got my shit together,then at 27 my kidneys failed suddenly,on dialysis for just over a year then my brother gave me a kidney,and i moved into a new house with a garden which was great,had a reasonable couple of years, although i seffered depression on and off,then met a guy over the internet and he cruely dumped me after 4 months(he was playing about),i tried to commit suicide but failed and took ages to recover,over the years my relationship with my parents was strained at times as i felt guilty for falling ill after being a disgrace to them with kids to different dads then falling ill with renal failure,i felt i was never as good as my brother and sister which was hard.I was single for a while then met Billy whom id known for a while through my eldest son,he too was a single parent,he was rough and ready but was great with the kids,knew about my renal failure and was the kindest person you could ever meet,we eventually got together and i was sensible and waited over a year till we moved in together,it was hard as he had a son the same age as mine and a dog (tara) His son was a tearaway and my mum hated him as she works in the local school and knows what he was like,we had many problems with him and eventually he moved into a house with his girlfriend and baby last year,we now dont see much of them as he is back intouch with his real mum whom he didnt see since birth,Billy is hurt obviously but i am almost relieved as him and his girlfriend smoke drugs and live like pigs. Everything was starting to tick along nicely,i had a wee job two mornings a week,i went to college one night a week doing criminology and had been accepted for a full time course in English,maths,sociology,and modern studies starting in sep 09,billy was working for his friend and dan was in his 2nd year at joinery,my kidney was ticking over nicely then the shit hit the fan and hasnt moved since.Billy got paid off,two weeks later i was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma and daniel got paid off,i couldnt work as i felt so shit and billy didnt start looking for work as he was looking after me and the kids.Now he is stuck in a rut,and pretty unemeployable,he isnt a quilified mechanic,so big garages wont touch him,he has been looking for any kind of work but as he doesnt have much experience in anything else much its been very hard. I feel the kids and the house are my responsibility and not his, i dont know why i feel like this but i do,i feel guilty im not the kind of mum i want to be now because of my health and i feel its unfair that just as i got my shit together this happens.Ive been the one who has found some work easier as ive got a recent full disclosure scotland and have done office work for both my mum and dad and i have been cleaning for a family for over a year,ive now been offered a wee job in a laundrette which i think i will have to take. My mental health isnt great at the moment and i worry that ive got some personality disorder as i have horrible thoughts at times,like pushing my son down the stairs when he came home late and v drunk,i also have self harming thoughts a lot but ive only been on my new tablets a week and was on prozac for 7 years before that so its maybe the change and being off antidepressants altogether thats made me so flat. I worry about my health all the time,and feel im on borrowed time so whats the point in anything.i dont even know why ive written all this,maybe i just want to go back to the start,tell you my life story and let you know that maybe im getting what i deserve at the minute. I dont know if im going to appeal against DLA,i didnt even want to put a claim in in the first place but i was advised to,i dont know if i have the strength,ill phone maggies centre on Mon and see what they say. thanks for listening, x

its funny,when your diagnosed with cancer you want to fight to live,when your depressed you wish you could die.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Leigh,

    I just want to say how brave and honest you are in telling your story, please don't beat yourself up over any of it Leigh.  We all have a past, but none of us deserve this crap that we are having to go through.  I  understand where you are coming from in lots of ways,... financially, feeling a failure to my family etc and  i too am on anti depressants, have been on n off for the last 10yrs,  I just want to let you know you are not alone in any of this, and we are all here to help you get through.  

    I hope you begin to feel better very soon, give your new tablets time hun.

    Take care and look after yourself, sending ya big hugs {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    lots of love Lorraine xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    you should be proud of yourself ....... you are a survivor ! you have fought your wee battles along the way and now its your biggest battle ..... regroup !

    enrol your "army" (family-friends-cyber friends)

    and lets help fight this C war!!!!!!!

    BIG ((((((hugs))))))


  • FormerMember

    Hi Leigh...i just wanted to say...only a strong person could come through everything you have suffered...sending you a hug tonight. Im glad you have some good friends on here.

    love scarlet x

  • FormerMember

    You are strong to survive what you have. My story is not the same as yours but I haven't had a "Normal life" whatever a normal life might be. I survived abuse and a loveless life up until meeting my and then marrying my husband at 36 only to have him taken away from me at 52 and now at 55 I have cancer. Someone once said to me just after I was dianosed " It is so unfair after all you have been through that you should get cancer yourself now" I said to her " Why why is it so unfair, I am just like anyone else with cancer" I meant what I said. People like you and I who have crappy lives whilst growing up learn to survive through adversity. We will come out the other side stronger than before and ready for the next knock back. Sure as eggs is eggs there will be one. I intend to be happy in my life, bring it on is what I say I WILL NOT LET LIFE GRIND ME DOWN. You sound like a lovely girl, you will find happiness but it is not in the arms of a stranger or even a man. It has to come from within. You need to respect yourself and make yourself the most important person in this world. Your son can take care of himself, if things get too bad and he doesn't respect you then he needs to find alternative accomadation. You sound a very brave person and a wonderful mother. So what! you had negative thoughts don't we all occasionally when we are at the end of our tether? You have done well with your college course. Look after yourself first you are ill. If your children are young then try to get help. You need it, you deserve to get better. Take care and if you need to talk then please feel free to PM me. Love Julie XX