my first blog

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Ok so this is my first time ever doing a blog. where to begin. ahem. So my partner and I have an appointment with his oncologist on Tues next week (usual check up) and I am (privately) bricking it. Gosh they make me anxious. I am a little worried as my partner has found a lump under his nipple, right where he had shingles. The lump feels sorrt of hard and flat, whereas the lumps in his neck are round small and hard. But I am scared his cancer has spread. I don't tell him this, I make sure I am positive without being patronising, supportive and try to ease his worries as much as possible. I feel like crying. But I am at work so I can't. I feel sick with fear about what the doctor will say on Tuesday. ok boo hoo me time over. Sorry , I just had to let it all out.