How did YOU feel ?

2 minute read time.

Not to sure if I've done this blog malarchy right but here goes...

I was yesterday, 7th June, diagnosed with breast cancer, I have recently lost weight (intentionally) and this has left me with some stretch marks at the top of my boobs, I was putting some of that bio oil on about 3wks ago for the first time, and felt a lump at the top of my right breast. I went to see the GP a few days later on the 23rd May, just for a check up on my blood pressure and mentioned the lump and asked her could she have a look, she did and then said she was referring me for an urgent mammogram.  I obviously had this yesterday, followed by an ultrasound and a core biopsy all of which confirmed that the lump was as I had suspected indeed cancer.

At the moment the best way to describe how I feel is 'weird', at first I was in shock even though I'd say I 'knew' before they told me and was obviously upset. Fortunately my eldest Daughter who's 25 had come to the clinic with me and she was an absolute star. I am so proud of the way she handled it, supported me and helped put things into perspective and I really don't know how I'd have gone on if she hadn't been there.

However since being told, interspersed with a sense of 'unreality' I've felt mostly angry, at the cancer, for coming along and invading my life, and whilst I would never ever say 'why me' cos let's face it why not me and why anyone ? I am very much feeling why now ?? I was for the first time in a long time approaching a feeling of balance and normality tinged with a prospect of looming positivity following relationship problems, family problems, stress of other health probs which were much improved. I'd even managed to go back to work last October for the first time in approx 14 years. I'd just booked a holiday and I've recently took up a new hobby and had just entered a competition which involves a stage performance on the 5th July, everything was just coming together and then this comes like a bolt from the blue. So yes at the moment it's fair to say I'm pretty p'd off with it.

I've got to go back to the hospital next Tuesday and they have said I will have surgery to remove the lump in 4wks followed by a course of radiotherapy, they said from the ultrasound it doesn't look like it has spread to the lymph nodes but can't be 100% sure until they remove some and screen them and couldn't say yet whether or not I would need chemotherapy and if I'm perfectly honest that is what I fear the most, purely and simply because apart from anything else I have a massive phobia about being sick. The Breast Care Nurse said for now don't worry about it because I may not even need it, and we will cross that bridge when we come to it. That makes sense and hopefully it won't come to that but obviously its concerning me.

What I'd like to know from this forum is how other people felt , initially, on diagnosis, I've heard anger is usual but never understood why people would feel angry as opposed to upset/devastated until now ?

  • FormerMember

    Well all I can say is 'Thank you' so much for your stories and positivity. It's so good to know that the way I'm feeling is 'normal' whatever normal may be ! 48hrs of knowing and the initial raging anger has subsided a little, I'm still p'd off obviously.

    My mates who I've told have been wonderful, I've only had a couple of people who have reacted as if I've told them I'm going to pop my clogs next week and have been visibly uncomfortable. I've cracked a few jokes and told them it aint going to f******g beat me and they've realised I'm still who I was on Monday !

    Jules.....Its nice to know you're at a similar stage to me, and also nice to know that there may be an option of a tummy tuck to go with any breast reduction I may get free off the NHS ! I've said lots of times if I had the money I'd get a breast reduction, this wasnt quite how I'd planned it though ;-) x

    Pixie... very glad to hear about the anti-sickness meds working phew, lets hope they do for me if I need em x

    Regarding the drink Nutcracker... I went round to my best mates house Tuesday evening having been diagnosed in the afternoon and we sank many a brandy and started them by me saying....'Right we're celebrating.......That they've found it, and drinking to me beating it' x

    Miss1e....Yes I can see anger could be a positive driving force and fully intend to try and focus it and use it to my advantage,' as for not asking how you are, some people are just unbelieveably ignorant I'm afraid. I see it all the time, at work especially, they have 'chronic me me me syndrome' x

    Nikki,,,,, by God you've been through it, but your strength is unbelieveable and inspirational, it must've been absolute hell to go through at times and the fact you're here telling me your story is amazing and very much appreciated x

    Hope it's ok I'm going to add you all as friends and then I can chat to you if your on ?

    Thanks much.

    T xx

  • FormerMember

    you hang in there have got loads of support here...and im more than happy,as im sure the other girls are,to chat whenever you feel like it...

    nikki x x x

  • FormerMember

    I went back to the hospital yesterday and they are going to do a mastoplasty on 1st July as the lump is high up and quite big, the aim is to take it out from underneath and basically do the same cutting and needlework that they would do in a breast reduction as he reckons that will give the best result cosmetically, he is also going to resize the other boob to match while I'm under. They will take 2 lymph nodes too to check the cancer hasn't spread. After that it will be radiotherapy for 2 wks (everyday), They won't know if I need any chemo until after they have checked the lymph nodes but said that there is nothing obvious from the ultrasound, but obviously can;t give any guarantees, so its fingers well and truly crossed this end.

    My sleep pattern has gone completely to pot but am absolutely knackered today so off for an early night.

    Hope you're all ok today ?

    T x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all so much for writing on here. I was diagnosed on 23rd May 2011 and feel like my life has been turned upside down since then. I can totally relate to the feeling of unreality that has been talked about. I am off for sentinel lymph biopsy tomorrow with mastectomy on the 12th July. One of the hardest and most hurtful things to deal with, so far!,I have found to be the reaction of 'friends', some people who I thought would support me through anything, as I have done them, have completly abandoned me just when I need them. Has anyone else found this? How do you stop it being so upsetting?

    Maybe I am just focusing on that because everything else is still doesn't seem real.

    Thanks to all of you for sharing-it's a great help x