Very, Very Nervous :-(

1 minute read time.

Oncologist's office phoned today. Wants to meet Friday at 4pm. I think to discuss the chemo? Just before the surgery, my surgeon said the chemo would start in 2 or 3 weeks. So I presume I'm now at that stage.

I've read some bits on here about chemo, but really I don't have any idea what's involved. I've read about ports, hics and pics and am dreading them all. I've read about veins collapsing so a port/hic/pic is really necessary but I'm really nervous about anything like that. Didn't mind the surgery so much because you're under. But these lines go in whilst you're conscious. Through your veins. What happens if they get pulled out? Infected? Have to be redone? I hate local anaesthetics because they hurt and I'm very phobic about the 'idea' of pain. Don't get me wrong, my armpit still hurts a lot from the surgery, but it's just there. It's not like someone is saying, 'right, we're gonna hurt your armpit in 10 seconds'. Planned pain is a very fragile area for me. Not worried about feeling sick or tired funnily enough. Never been phobic about being sick (I know that being sick is a lot of people's worst fears). Mine's just the 'planned pain' thing.

Then the chemo. Remember being told by someone at the start of all this, that because of my age (36) I'll be having an 'aggressive' chemo. Five months of it. Every 3 weeks. Then there's lots of chemo chemicals? Dunno. Just picked up stuff from here. I don't even know what a 'cycle' is. Read about it on here, but don't know. Don't know how it's administered. How long it takes. Don't know anything. 

Really dreading all of this. It's suddenly upon me. Upon me very quickly. I don't know. I don't want to go. Just want to hide in a corner. Not come out. Had enough now. Got good results. Just want to go away now. I'm having a panic. I'm rambling. Please help...

  • FormerMember

    My mum is having her final cycle of chemo tomorrow. She has had 5 x 3 week cycles. If you are going every 3 weeks for 5 months then it will probably be a 3 week cycle as I understand it,  the cycle being the period from the start of chemo through to the start of the following one. Of course, there are lots of chemo drug combinations that are administered differently some over say half an hour, some over a few hours,  but the chemo nurses will explain this to you once you start, and if anything like my Mums Oncology team, will be really kind and caring and you will probably, sit in a nice comfy armchair in a large lounge type area,they will set you up and get the chemo running through, maybe in a vein through your hand, providing no probs, and you can then sit there, read, watch tv, eat your sarnies, whatever, people will be around you to chat to, you will be able to get up and walk about, go to the loo etc. This, of course is the experience I have had with my Mum, it certainly is good to have someone go with you for the company.  Take care and hope you get your chemo sorted and look forward to your blog saying that you are sailing through it. Take Care, Joanie x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everybody. Your comments really help. Particularly about the cycle thing and how long it's administered etc. I know it's different for everybody but at least now I have an idea about chemo in general. Thanks everyone for your support too. I had a bit of a panic yesterday xx