Being for the benefit of Mr Crab

Less than one minute read time.

Have you ever wondered what Mr Crab & Co look like? I don't mean Googling for images of cancer, because, ew, but have you ever tried to put a face to him?

I have. Mind you, it's pretty easy for me, because of where my own personal Mr Crab lives - in my tummy, which is so much easier to explain than 'peritoneum'. He looks like this:



Those are actually the Snapping Turks from Yellow Submarine, which is a v good film, although not if you don't like the Beatles (or if you like them Very Earnestly). I was a bit wary of Googling 'snapping Turk', which sounds like a Victorian sex aid, and, for all I know, is, but I was traumatised yesterday by an unwise Google for 'perineum' and maybe that's made me over-cautious.

I have been further traumatised today by Googling for coffee enemas. They sell the beans on Amazon, you guys!

So, in case you ever wondered what I do all day, at the moment the answer is mostly: I'm in bed with the gentlemen pictured above, or one of them.

I've had better.

  • FormerMember

    Love your picture Hilary,

    I hope they use instant coffee and not beans for the enema, the latter sound more painful - not that I intend to indulge anyway!

    Tim: I didn't start the coffee enemas, but yes I remember it started with someone's alternative therapies.

    Enjoy your time in bed Hilary, they will only too soon get you up to do those housework thingies.

    Love and hugs,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Coffee enema? Ewwwww! There's only one direction coffee should ever be going in and it's not that one...

    Get well soon honey, love Vikki x

  • FormerMember

    Hilary started it... snigger.

    I don't want to think about enemas after seeing Sue's suggestion for my pen. Actually i don't want to thinkl about enemas at all. Actually, i don't even wnat to sit down at the minute... ouch!

    Hilary, I am glad to see that I am not the only woman who has given her cancer a male gender. I hope you can give Mr Crab at least as big a booting as  Mr Hefty got .... and in the meantime, lets make up words for innards. That might be a better way to while away the hours than looking up ewwww on the internet... We are not doing very well in our household.... arsehole cancer wasn't the best start i guess....

     It won't be any consolation to you at all except possible reassurance of understanding... but cancer treatments screw you up so 4 months post treatment I am still breathless and tired and my lungs were fine before we started. Not quite as breathless and tired as you of course, but it is sooooo slow at improving, so I would say hurrah to you for doing so well and not in a head tilting way.  Doesn't help I know but I curren tly have a cat chewing my toes through the duvet cos he thinks its funny so can't think or type st raight ow! Ha ha you can see where he jumped.. you got spaces haha

    Rambling so will shut up now. You are a star hilary and that is that.

    Not sure I want to hug you now with all those snappy teeth... but what the heck, I'm brave-ish... tell them to shut their mouths first eh?

    Big hug

    Little Myx


  • FormerMember

    Funny how we can actually imagine the cancer, like yours is mr. crab, L.M's is mr. hefty and mine is shitface.  Mine seemed appropriate 'cos it was in my rectum amongst the shit and it didn't deserve a nice name.  But the best thing is imaging the chosen name to be splattered or zapped or however you imagine it to be shrinking and dying haha good ridance and go to hell!!

    The coffee enema makes me chuckle 'cos i haven't got an arsehole anymore to even put one up. It was taken away with all my rectum and shitface went with it to the incinerator haha (doing a raspberry).

    Take care,

    lots of hugs, love

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Mine's male as well...Murraymint! Nickname for an old boss!

    So they use special beans for these enemas? It was washing up liquid when I had my two older kids!

    Love the snapping Turks pic! You just have to imagine defeating the larger one, then the next till Mr Crab is so small, then gone.

    Girls and Boys, its a shock to discover that we are knackered months after treatment. Two years after my transplant I was complaining to my consultant that I felt so tired and that I was disgusted with myself that it was taking so long to improve. His answer was that it was early days still. Six months on, and I now feel as if I'm making progress. I still have 'THE COUGH' (Hubby wears earplugs and so I don't disturb him)

    I should steer clear of Google as you seem to be turning up also sorts of scary stuff.

    Love and hugs
