Debs Daily Deliberations 105

3 minute read time.
Morning all, What a slacker I am, two days running posting my blog the following morning rather than on the day - oh well....whatcha gonna do about it huh????????????? Ollie slept in till 6.40am, pretty good I got up and made bacon or sausage baguettes for all the family that were here - Jack was off camping in the woods again. Now my middle son quit karate last week, sad moment for all - but today was the last day of karate summer school and my husband was going there to help with the grading and asked Sean if he wanted to go along.....Sean agreed and put his gi on too!!!! Tony came and got me at 10.30am to take some photos for the club, I have the best camera there and a bit of a flair for photography apparently! I could see by Sean's face he wasn't too impressed, apparently Sensei in his infinite wisdom had stuck Sean with 4 & 5yo's going for red belt, when he really wanted to get his gloves on and push the kids going for brown belt. Anyway, certificate, belts and trophies handed taken and it was BBQ time. It went very well and apart from 5mins of spit spot rain, the sun shined and everyone had fun. I found that at 2pm I had been stood on my feet for hours and felt really tired - I am NOT liking this, I am only 42 and pretty much at the beginning of my fight. Next visit to the oncologist and a serious chat about "getting fit" is going to be had. I've always hated exercise I admit it and I love food too much, so not been a stick insect since I was 21, however.....never been really out of shape either. Went to School Uniform Shop after and got Lara her school kilt - which she moaned was too long compared to all her friends - I tell her that her waist band is loose enough for her to "roll it over", something I seem to remember even way back in the early 80's was going on - only after we had left the house for school though ;) also got her Netball Skirt, already have her blouses and Blazer. Better check the uniform list again to make sure that I haven't forgotten anything. Spent 2 or 3 hours sitting in the garden, drinking gingerbeer whilst hubby had a "real one" watching our dogs play. It was a simple pleasure......before we knew it, time for Tony's karate club and I went with him as a show of moral support. Its only been running since May and they have 10 young students, all enthusiastic. Sheila, wife of Tony's club partner Paul usually comes along too and we sit and have a good natter - bitch, moan,laugh etc for the hour. Back home and a light supper and I don't know why but I felt really grumpy, I know I was tired and my left hand was really sore from the blood test on Wednesday but I could feel myself getting into more and more of a bad mood. I went into the kitchen to take my tablets - 2 hours late as usual - and I struggled to open the steroids because of my stupid sore and slightly shaky left hand........yep the tablets went everywhere!!!!!!!! I yelled for Tony to come grab Ollie as I didn't want the pup on steroids.......he tried to help me but of course I snapped at him to just get the dog out and I could do it. The moment I was alone, the tears flowed as I cursed my stupid clumsy self whilst crawling round the floor searching for tiny little white pills. I decided an early night with my book was in order, went to bed read one page and just felt too called it a night at 10pm. Just as well, Ollie woke at 1am for a "comfort stop".........let him out in the garden and knew he would not go back in his crate, so grabbed my pillow and spent the night on the sofa with him. He woke me again at 6.40am to go out and I thought he might stay awake........nope as I type this, he is curled up asleep on the sofa, on MY cushions!!!!!!!! Today I will be phoning for my blood test results - UP PLATELETS, UP UP AND AWAYYYYYYYYYYYY Thought for today: Whatever begins, also ends. Seneca
  • FormerMember

    Your blog really made me smile, thank you.

    Lets hope it does what you want it to be! Up, up and away.




  • FormerMember

    Good luck with your platelet count.  Sounds like you have been a bit stressed, so I hope you are chilling out now.  Cheer up honey, and think of all the good things in life and remember all the good people out there that love your blogs xx