There's a Vibe ... and there are mice and mavericks and cluster headaches.

2 minute read time.


Well, my dear readers, the writer of our script has been throwing in a few more surprises. 

We will try to keep the tone light:   the week begins with Our Hero taking himself off to have his monthly infusion of Mistletoe which is designed to keep the immune system in trim – and we do indeed think it works.  After all, he is still with us, Our Hero, despite the gloomy oncologist’s prognosis.  

However, his journey is not smooth:  he arrives at his destination with black smoke belching from the engine of the car. 

A helpful man from the RAC fixes the pipe that is something to do with the fuel injection which has been nibbled through by hungry mice.  Diesel has been showering over the hot engine.

But, what of it?  


Engines on fire? 

Pah!  Nothing to Our Hero.

Now one of the tasks which The Meddlesome should have taken over (as well as feeding the Ancient Aga and dealing with sulky Septic Tank) is setting mouse-traps.    She is not, however, good at that sort of thing.  She has tried the ‘live’ trap option and has ended up rearing an orphaned baby mouse by hand (tahini is good, should you ever find yourself in that situation) and the old fashioned variety of trap she invariably avoids emptying.  

So no traps have been set lately – 'live' or deadly. 

Near death by mice was unforseen. 

Which brings us to today.  It began very well:  the wonderful, maverick surgeon has been on the phone.  He says ‘No’ to the clinical trials, he says ‘No’ to any more chemo (not that this was on offer anyway), he says keep radiotherapy ‘for ze leemph’ in reserve.  Radiofrequency ablation for the liver metastases?   He is reserving judgement (and so are we –  but we are looking into it.)  Most importantly, he says not to worry about the fact that Our Hero is not putting on weight.  He is, overall, pleased with his progress.

There is relief all round. 

But there has been a niggling worry from the beginning of this story:  what will happen should Our Hero have one of his Cluster Headache cycles on top of the cancer, on top of the pain he is only just controlling, and on top of his extreme weakness?

Cluster Headaches are the big, bad mysterious and truly terrible relation of migraines.  They are also known as ‘suicide headaches’ because the pain is so bad that it is unendurable.  Our Hero is just beginning what is usually a five week period of these headaches – headaches so bad sufferers have been known to thrash their heads against walls and, indeed, give up the will to live.

We do hope that our GP will be doing some Googling – research must have moved on and we are getting so tired. 


  • FormerMember

    I have just noticed that wine is not good for spelling too - strange that.  'Facting'?  What is 'facting'?

  • FormerMember

    Ok .. I've finished giggling, not at the headaches (not a giggling matter) but at the pest control antics!!

    Buzzie, I confess to being soft about mice too, they are quite cute aren't they?! My children didn't agree when a local mouse broke in last year and ate the electric wires in a dance mat and scalextric. Interestingly they had a nibble at the corner of the box containing the Mouse Trap game but must then have taken the time to read the box and left it alone!

    Rats are a different matter and my caring "ahh isn't it sweet" nature disappears like a puff of fairy dust, to be replaced with a jar of peanut butter and an air rifle.

    Here's hoping the vibes help with the cluster headaches.

    Take care

    Bad Fairy xx

  • FormerMember

    Flipping heck, Bad Fairy!  Rifles?   (Mind you, I am not so keen on rats - I do try, but ...)

    Hoping all is well with you.  

    Highland vibes to all.  xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh! Bad Fairy - I have just read your update.  I tried hard to come up with something which summed up my good wishes, but failed miserably.  However, in my opinion, anyone who can tackle rats with jars of peanut butter and air rifles can tackle anything!  

    Was it just the wine, or was that a really large quantity of incandescent fairy dust lighting up the night sky and coming your way?  


  • FormerMember

    Oh Rats! I haven't abandoned you, Grace... I've been quietly lurking in the corner. I have so many mouse and rat stories, I wouldn't know where to begin. We even have Black Rat Snakes here - (an endangered species) -

    Hope those cluster headaches go away. Thinking of you, MW, and your hero.

    Hugs, Mo