There is a Vibe in this Tart!

2 minute read time.

Things are definitely looking up at Cold Comfort Cottage. 

The snow is melting.  The oil and logs have been delivered.  The last Christmas presents have also been delivered by previously snow-bound relations (yes - there was another scarf in there).  Our Hero has eaten not one, but two (very small) slices of lovingly hand-made cheese tart, accompanied by a mouthful of mashed carrots. 

Our Maverick Surgeon’s magic seems to be doing the good work and the primary tumour is clearly shrinking.  

The Hounds from Hell have been having a wonderful time:  they have had all these kind people arriving, bearing gifts.  Cerberus’s energetic protection of the Underworld is nothing compared to the way The Hounds protect their territory – the critical difference being that The Hounds are trying to keep out The Good.

With Our Hero, having nibbled more than he has for months, now sleeping, and with The Hounds exhausted after a very busy day terrifying helpful people, what is the Meddlesome Wife to do with herself?

What, indeed, has she left to meddle with? 

I can assure you, she is plotting. 

A letter has already gone off to one MP.  She is working on her letter to The Scottish Executive.  She will be sending copies to her lawyer. 

She is wondering why, when oesophageal cancer is the sixth most common cancer in Scotland,  no-one here seems to have heard anything about it until they, or someone they love,  has got this terrible cancer. 

She is wondering why Our Hero has had this epic struggle to get a treatment which seems, already, to be doing so much good, and why this could not have been offered somewhere closer to home, or, indeed, anywhere in Scotland.

She is wondering why it is not offered on the NHS, anywhere, apparently - it is not so very expensive.

And she is wondering if she could really do something useful and raise awareness of this cancer, and improve the treatment for other people who will suffer from it.    

Oh yes, she is meddling. 

And she has learnt such a lot from the Macmillan site.  She has learnt that in some parts of the country they have such things as specialist oncologists, and she is wondering why we have none of these rare creatures here. 

Most of all, she is wondering what will be the result of the last CT scan which was done on December the 17th ,  and what is happening with the secondary cancers.   

She will be on the phone tomorrow.

And, no, the plumbing is still not working.


First the NHS; then the plumbing. 

There is a limit.  

But there is, definitely, a vibe in this tart . 



  • FormerMember

    Hmm ....  Dickens and Shakespeare.  I see an interesting drama developing, involving Scrooge, Lady M ( supported by her three Hell Hounds) and, most importantly, her Nosferatu.

    What do you think?

    I'll be rattling those cages  ... just working on the plan.  It may involve those rods that will need to be deployed to attack the plumbing - perhaps neatly uniting government and Septic Tank?  

    On a very positive note, Our Hero seems to be improving by the hour, and Cold Comfort Cottage is feeling very warm indeed - we are down to three layers today!  

    The fire is certainly burning.  And the Lady?  

  • FormerMember

    First,I am so peased to hear that yur hero is doing so well.  It is nothing short of a national disgrace that our collective governments have no will to implement inovative proceedures to help patients.  It is scandalous that some of the "maverick " treatments are no more expensive, and much more effective  than  those currently on offer.  it seems to me that many oncologists are somewhat jealous of their own godlike positions, and will  not accept that  teatments being pioneered by others might be more effective.  

    The Mesothelioma treatment Gary had inGermany is also licenced by NICE but only for liver patients.  

    I wish you the best of luck in lobbying your SMP.  We had little help forom our MP.  He did not even attend a recent poorly attended parliamentary debate in Mesothelioma treatment.  The outcome was a statement from the health minister was which basically said there are no plans to consider other treatments.  

    As I keep saying, we really do need a concerted campaign to ensure that all  cancer patients get the best possible treatments, regardless of where they live and how old they are.

  • FormerMember

    My darling Grace

    No attempted witticisms from me today, no merry little Hollywood quip - because for some bizarre reason I have tears (of joy) running down my face as I read the  wonderful update on our Bold Hero.

    Much love - Judi xx

  • FormerMember

    Judi - thank you, my friend.

    But I am missing your Hollywood quips.  We have won one  battle but there are more to come, and I will need my sense of humour.  I was longing to know what you would do with the current cast.  


  • FormerMember

    Okay then - here's a thought.

    When you have managed to get the ear of someone important enough to listen ..... and there is no doubt in my mind at all that you will....... and they ask who is fighting this battle with you ...... excuse my poetice licence here......

    ...... one by one all your Mac friends will stand and say ......

    I am Spartacus ...... I am Spartacus ......... me, I am Spartacus.

    We will overcome.

    J xxxxx