A Blog For Carers: There's A Vibe in My Soup

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Blog for Carers II:  There is a Vibe in my Soup

Are you sitting comfortably?  Got the slippers on?  The fire crackling in the hearth?

Here is a little medical drama for your entertainment – it does have a reasonably happy ending, never fear.  I have simplified the story a little – I have got to get going with the next round of soup (soup-opera?).

There are three doctors, scattered across the country, who recommend three different treatments for the same patient.  There is professional pride at stake here but, most importantly, there is a very sick, very brave patient who has a loving but meddlesome wife (that’s me, of course.)  None of the three treatments being offered are life saving, but two offer the hope of a longer survival time and one of these is minimally invasive and very safe.  The third, the only one on offer locally, can have complications, is not reversible and is a ‘contraindication’ (useful medical jargon that ) to at least one of the other treatments.  This third option is as ‘cheap as chips’.

 You are already ahead of me – you know what is going to happen, don’t you? 

Yes, very sick, brave patient is recommended the ‘cheap as chips’ version.

But the drama doesn’t stop there: at the eleventh hour, expert at the other end of the country says ‘cheap as chips’ version would not be suitable for our hero at all... and he will see our hero at his state-of-the-art place of work which is several hundred miles away. 

There is a catch, of course, and to give you a hint, the meddlesome wife is wondering, as she stirs the soup, whether this will mean re-mortgaging  …and will the dogs be happy living in a ‘yurt’ should she have to sell the house …

As medical dramas go, it is not quite up there with ER but there is a reasonably satisfactory ending to this episode in that we have at least the chance of a treatment which should increase both quality of life and survival time – a little. 

Let us hope that the story-line runs as long as the ER series – and that there will be the boxed set on the shelves for many Christmases to come.

And to end on an even more positive note, one of the in-laws has organized for Reiki thoughts to be sent remotely from a master who is teaching in a former Soviet country. 

Well, that’s a relief.

Was that a vibe that dropped in the soup?



  • FormerMember

    Oh - I just got the 'soup route' joke!  That was very slow - a slow route?  

  • FormerMember

    I'm back and catching up on your souper blog. What a terrible and stressful dilema that you have to deal with!!! There's a caveat - "Most expensive" does not always translate into "most time". One of the alternative treatments that my husband took (after our traditional western oncologists declared that they couldn't cure his cancer) cost us $1,000 per month... It did nothing - and his cancer continues to grow and spread (although very very slowly, thankfully). When you're desparate, there will always be someone out there ready to take your money with promises that they may or may not be able to deliver. You said that there were three options - two of which would give your husband more time.. What is that other one and how does it compare?

    I'm sending you healing Vibes from across  the ocean while you eat your warm soup in the comfort of your yurt.

    Love & Hugs, Mau

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maureen,

    Glad you are back safely.  Was that a vibe I felt from across the ocean?  And I send one back to you.

    Between you and me, I am beginning to think that a yurt might have advantages over the current domestic arrangements - not so far to go to stir the soup.

    Don't worry, none of the treatments are at all alternative (but we would go for those too!) it is just that the 'cheap as chips' option does nothing other than push the tumour aside. There is also a high moribidity rate with this option and it seems very much for those in the last stage. The option we have gone for is done on our health service, somewhere, but not where we are. Because time is of the essence, we are going to pay.

    More of this in another blog.  

    Thinking of you both,

    Love, Grace.

  • FormerMember


    As I said earlier, there is no one size fits all for these sort of cirumstances.  If it is any help to you, here is how I approached the problem.  Having decided we could just about cover the costs of treaments, including airfares and hotel bills, I told G that I would support whatever decision he made.  I did not want him to turn to me in the furture and say if only I had tried......The treatment is a recognised proceedure in Germany. We knew there was a twenty five percent chance of a 50% or better reduction in the tumour. He decided  to go for it, and he has almost hit the jackpot.  At the moment, the tumour is clinically dead.  For how long, or whether others will develop, we don't know, but for now we have more precious time together.

    Just on other thing, is your GP on side?  We have found support from our GP invaluable, especially when G developed some worrying side effects from his final treatment

    All the very best to you both.  Do let us know how you are doing.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Buzzie

    Reading your blogs feels just like you could be talking about my dad!!  I have been reading for a long time (and am so glad you decided to keep blogging) but haven't posted yet but the content of this blog has forced me to be brave and put 'pen' to 'paper'!

    You have put so much time into researching other treatments for your husband that I feel guilty that I haven't done the same for my dad.  I have been too scared to look anthing up on the internet as I don't want to read anything that is too scary and don't want to be taken in by treatment that isn't going to help.

    Would you mind me asking you what 3 treatments have been recommended to you other than the usual ones as my dad's cancer is in the same place so they might be relevant for him too?  I tried to send you a personal message but haven't worked out how to do that yet so hope you don't mind me doing it here.

    Many thanks in advance and sending you and your husband more soup vibes!