breast reconstruction

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I found a lump 8 weeks ago, I have had a lumpectomy and the margins are not clear.  I have opted for a masectomy and reconstruction - can anyone give me some personal experience stories of this operation.  I'm 37 years old and just feel I have been given loads of information from Dr's but very little advice regarding reconstruction??..

Thanks, Sue

  • FormerMember

    Thanks so much for all your comments - really appreciate it.  I am so scared of the operation and that things might go wrong - it's nice to know that there are some positive stories.

    I have also got real concerns about the care I've received from the breast care nurses - they just don't seem to care, I feel like just another boring part of their job.  I really thought they would be empathetic/caring and they just seem very distant and cold?  Has anyone else found this?  I keep reading how important their support is but I haven't met the same women more than once and I've had contact with 4 different ones and they all seem to be the same cold, distant, professionals.

    Thanks for your support,

    Sue x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue

    I personally found the breast care nurse a pain in the bum - she kept trying to hug me, which I found so insincere as we had only just met.

    She also made a very inappropriate comment when she fitted me for a false boob, which I wont bore you with, but as I can still remember it after so many years will give you a clue that it wasn't good.

    I thought that the problem with the breast care nurse was that she didn't understand how I felt, well how could she?  She had never been through it.

    This time round (a different cancer and unrelated, so don't panic) I have found the MacMillan nurse excellent.  She doesn't patronise me and she never says she "knows how I feel" or "understands what I'm going through".  She listens and has got the balance just right.

    If you have a word with your GP they can put you in touch with your local MacMillan nurse, maybe give her a try and see if she's better.

    It is quite natural to be concerned about the operation - my GP put me in touch with someone else who had been through reconstruction (obviously she got in touch with me, not the other way round) this really helped to talk to someone and to see the results.  I don't know if this is something that you could be offered too.

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    I'm in a similar position to you, although I had adjuvant chemotherapy prior to my surgery. 

    It seems that the decision is really down to the patient and the best thing is to get as much information as possible. I've made lists of pros and cons and reconsidered them and will eventually go with a gut instinct.

    How do you find out how good your plastic surgeon is? I think I'm lucky to be near St. Thomas and my surgeon seems well qualified, but I'm not sure what else to do..

    I've looked up the procedures on-line and there is information on

    best wishes
