boatbum's blog

  • Not a good day!

    Well, it was nine weeks yesterday since surgery, and I was having a good day, busy tidying up for visitors this weekend. I have tickets for Madness, Aswad on Saturday night and we're all off to see that. We have a four month old puppy, which we collected a week after I came out of hospital, and she's a bit manic. Two speeds, asleep and 100 miles an hour. She lives in our kitchen, behind a child gate,and I managed to…
  • Day 63 since surgery!

    I've been reading through some of the forums, groups on here, trying to get some sort of handle on what's happening in our world. Some heart warming stuff! Hasn't made me decide yet whether to go for the chemo or not. I don't feel at this time that it's a roller coaster ride emotionally, while coming to terms with the changes to come in my lifestyle...... Advice about chemo or not,comments generally or personal experence…
  • Boatbum' Blog

    Where am I going, what am I doing? After recent surgery, and assurances that they have removed tumour, diverticulitis and perforation, they want to do chemo as a belt and braces. My partner, a naturopthic nutritionist, is agin it, my son was all for it, but after a conversation with him yesterday, he will support my decision whatever that is. From my research s far, I am leaning to the opinion that chemo is a waste of…