
  • attuned to temperature


    Still at home… cross fingers touch wood on day 13 of my third 21 day cycle.

    I did pack my bag for hospital late last week as I at last succumbed to the chesty cold my daughter had when at home. I’d held it at bay for a week but eventually I guess it whittled away my resistance and got me.

    Of course my temperature jumped up a degree (one learns to be very attuned to temperature). Luckily that was the…

  • Second IT chemo and are my Northern roots showing?


    Back to hospital today to discover that without a morphine buffer IT chemo is quite an unpleasant process… still only two more to go.

    Intrathecal chemotherapy is an intra lumbar injection, which in my case is a preventative measure (as the usual IV chemo doesn’t make the leap over to the nervous system, so should my cancer come back there would be a chance of it occuring there and , there is a far nastier…

  • run up to third chemo session


    Someone sent me a note of slight concern today as I’ve not been blogging… they were worried about me being bogged down by my chemo.

    Actually its quite the contrary… the last few days (maybe as much as a week – lucky me)! I’ve felt pretty much normal… the urge to try and fit three weeks worth of life into a weeks worth of having muchos energy has been almost over-whelming.…

  • Lets get this straight


    ironic given my blog name... but someone sent this to me and I like it enough to share.... for all of us for whom positivity has gone feral.

    Let's Get This Straight


    It's not "being positive"

    that gets you through. No,

    it's something grittier - sharp, capable of hurt:

    it would have you grabbing the very last crumb

    from under your best friend's nose,

    it's savage, stubborn, it's made of…

  • housework failure


    The last few days I’ve been feeling increasingly chipper… my next R-CHOP is on the 9th and suddenly it felt like there was a chance to fit three weeks of living into a ten day span.

    I’d been out and walked the dog for the first time in yonks and blown the Christmas cobwebs away at last and have been saying yes to all sorts of visitors squeezing themselves in to see me before the bad times hit again…