The day we found out Lilliane had Cancer

2 minute read time.

This is a picture of Lilliane when she was a bit younger, we rarely get  "normal" pictures of Lilliane as she doesn`t enjoy having her pictures taken.

Before I start talking about what has happened the past 6 months let me give a short introduction of our family. When I married my husband Robert from England in 2008, my daughter joined me and moved from Norway to Leeds UK with me. My name is Lill-Kari, but everyone calls me Lilly because it is so much easier than hearing my norwegian name being said in more ways than I thought was possible.

After Lilliane and I tidyed the garage in April 2015 we thought Lilliane had pulled a muscle in her lower spine area, and so said the doctor. however the pain did not go away, it became worse. Roughly the same time  Lilliane informed me of a lump she had in her left breast, to which we made an appointment to have it checked with the doctor.  The doctor told Lilliane he thought it might be a stubborn infection, but wished to be sure, so he wanted Lilliane to have a scan to rule out anything serious. Lilliane was sent home with 2 weeks of hardcore antibiotics, which took away her pain but nothing else.

Then Lilliane and I went on June 29th to check out the lump she had in her left breast and none of us were thinking that it could possibly be cancer, I mean, she was 24, cancer is for "old people", right?
There were scans and biopsies taken, confirming it was cancer, advanced breast cancer. The doctor could not state the stage, but he feared it was stage 4 since her back hurt so badly. I just remember how calm and collected my daughter seemed while I felt the blood drain from my face and huge tears started pouring out from my eyes.

My mother had cancer 30 years ago, however she was stage 1 with slow growing cancer, and she is well and thriving today, but Lilliane was not "only" stage 1.

We were told by the doctor that Lilliane would now have to fight for her life, and after that I really dont remember anything else.

We were sent home to wait for the results to come regarding staging, grading and all the other medical things we had no idea about at that time. The following 10-11 days it took for Lilliane to get her diagnosis properly were the worst days ever, living a nightmare, and I dont know how we got through them, but thats a story for another time.

