Me and 11 platelets - out for a drink!

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Hi All again As some of you know I have AML and actually feel extremely well - I have been reading some of your blogs where you are worrying about platelets crashing to 200. Well - when I went for bloods last Wed my platelets were sitting at 11! I am going next Fri for blood transfusion which will probably put them up slightly. What I can't understand is how I am still alive - perhaps I am an alien? I went out tonight for a drink with friends and kept thinking - My God - my platelets are sitting at 11 - I could haemorrhage to death at any time!! Anyway I am home, still alive and writing this - what a funny old world this is. A few weeks ago I never gave platelets a thought - now it seems they are my obsession. Oh well - guess I will just have to hang as I grow!!!