Some news

1 minute read time.

I have not written on here for a while as we have just been getting on with things. My mum is surviving on chemo, she is ill for about 3 days a week and very tired the rest of the time. It is unfortunate that the majority of times people write on here it will be bad news or at least when I am feeling upset.

This week the news has felt a little strange. Mummy and Daddy went to see the oncologist for the results of a CT scan and the general consensus was "It's under control". This means that the primary pancreatic tumour has remained the same size (no growth) and the secondaries in her lungs have diminished slightly (although this is hard to read on the CT scan) . This is good news for most Pancreatic Cancer sufferers - in more then 50% the tumour keeps growing. I should have been happy but I wasn't. In some ways I had fooled myself into believing some miracle would happen and the results brought me back to reality.

So the plan now... she will be on chemo another 3 months and then they will see what happens from there. I wish the Chemo didn't take such a toll on her, She seems very dejected at the moment and yesterday told me she felt like a ghost. I think sometimes she questions whether the chemo is worth it. Of course I think it is and refuse to let her give up ( I don't know how selfish i am being)... I feel like we are so early in the treatment and you never know what will happen.

