Thanks, everybody...not

Less than one minute read time.
So ..wonderful that you make newcomers so welcome and offer advice so readily...ha, ha. To all you other newbies, don't expect too much, they're all too wrapped up in their own misfortunes. Hey, we allhave cancer and cope wth it in different ways, but good luck and best wishes to you all.
  • FormerMember

    Hi boatbum

    Sorry if you feel the site has not bee able to support you.   However, we are all patients or carers and not in the position to offer advice on the pros and cons of treatments for other patients.  You could try contacting MacMillan nurses (see link opposite) and they may be able to give you some advice but it is a decision only you can make.

    In the meantime, keep blogging and pop in the chatroom if you want to meet other members.