missing mum so much

1 minute read time.
Hello its been a while since i last blogged. Im feeling a bit all over the place to be honest never thought mum would die, sounds silly but she was just so strong. Im missing her so much now. Since she passed we had so much that had to be done like sorting everything out and then 10days after the funeral it was my sisters wedding which was lovely and mum would of been so pleased we all went ahead with it. But now everything is over its hard, Mum was just a big person in everyones lives and now it feels like there is a huge hole! I know when she died her spirt left her body and stays with us but i just really want to talk to her. I miss telling her everything i miss her voice just everything about her. I havent cried too much as i feel like i was grieving before we even lost her but now i start crying when im doing the housework or in the bath its silly. Anyways Im goin to go see a medium to see if i can get some commication with mum if it works great!! if not then was worth the try. its only been just over a month since she passed but feels like an entire lifetime.
  • FormerMember

    Hello Becki I`m new here and just wanted to send you a gentle (((hug))) I understand how sad you are over your dear mum I lost my mum a long time ago but more recently lost my Dad and sister so I know how much you are hurting. Its never silly to cry Becki, im the same its as if when we try to keep busy the grief is overwhelming, like you i grieved when my family members were ill and its really hard isn`t it but its understandable that you will still grieve every day. Your mum sounds lovely and im sure she still watches over you and will hear you when you talk to her.

    I hope you find some comfort with your reading with the medium, please let us know how you get on if you can.

    Take care

    Love scarlet x