Basal Cell Carcinoma on my face. The discovery, diognosis and treatment.

2 minute read time.

I am writing this blog for anyone who is about to have surgery and are worried.

I had a large basal cell carcinoma removed from my temple region of my head 2 weeks ago. The procedure was completely pain free, just stings a bit when the local anaesthetic is administered. Post op I had a black eye for a few days, but survived on the odd over the counter pain killer.

My story starts about 2 years ago when a tiny pimple appeared on the side of my head. I thought nothing of this and just gave it the odd squeeze and pick. A small scab appeared as time went on, which would fall of (or in my case get picked off), and then weep and re scab. Over time this scab got larger very slowly, almost as if it was creeping up on me. Now at this point I should have been concerned, but wasn’t as in my mind skin cancer was moles that turn nasty. (Mistake 1)

The marked started to dip into my head like a crater (which I now know is a typical symptom of a Rodent Ulcer). The mark also appeared to be pale, resembling and old scar. Small scabs started to develop around this, and alarm bells started to ring. I started researching skin complaints and remember this image popping up which was identical to my skin mark. I also vividly remember the heart dropping feeling when reading what if was, BASAL CELL CARCINOMA (BCC).

The research started into what it was and how to get rid of it. The internet is full of great advice and herbal remedies. Most of the advice is rubbish as are the remedies, but I decided to try a couple (mistake 2). My partner was now getting rightfully worried and angry with me, so I was marched to my GP who immediately confirmed it was a BCC. An appointment was made to see a dermatologist who explained the procedure and what a BCC was, which put me at ease to some degree. I had him refer me to an amazing Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon, Andrew Moody who rebuilt my cheek after an accident a few years ago. He arranged a date for the procedure and said all I had to do was lay still during the procedure, that the area would be numbed, it would take about 45 minutes and I would have a nice black eye for a few days.

On the day of the treatment I was taken to a treatment room where I was made comfortable and in no time at all the local anaesthetic was administered, and the procedure started. The staff where amazing, chatting to me and making me feel at ease. I had about a 3cm to 4cm circular excision and v-y flaps to close it, all completely pain free.

The site is looking great, already some of the scars have all but vanished .This week I received the great news that the lab results confirm it was a BCC, and that all of it had been removed during the procedure.

So if you are about to have a BCC removed try not to worry, and if you’re unsure what that strange mark is on your body GET IT CHECKED. A friend of mine had a BCC removed from her forehead 2 weeks before mine. Hers was the size mine was 18 months ago and only needed a few stitches and is completely healed now, mine needed 38 stiches.
