Soft Diet

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This is no ordinary soft diet..........This an M&S soft diet!!! lol!

I have been left with eating problems (swallowing,chewing etc)

I managed to stabilise my weight enough to finally have my peg tube removed and at first it was wonderful, soups, custard scrambled eggs etc!

However after a few months my weight dropped as I became bored and depressed with eating the same old things,and because I have little to no saliva, I drink loads of water so I never seem to feel hungry!

Anyway, my family and friends remarked on my weight loss so much that I decided to try some new foods and off I went to M&S!

I discovered two packs of individual sponge puddings,chocolate,sticky toffee,eves,raspberry,so many different varieties!

Just stick in the microwave, add to custard and a dollop of cream......Mmmmmm!

I just discovered some really delicious individual toffee mousses,only 59p each and a 4pack of chocolate mousse for 99p

  • FormerMember

    Sounds like my kinda diet!  I hope it gives your weight a boost to keep the family happy and you healthy.

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh mine too - unfortunately I have the reverse problem.  Glad you found some yummy things to eat.

    Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou Carol,

                         I am like a child in a sweetshop when I find something "different" to eat!

    Really miss eating chocolate though,especially Mars bars! LOL!

                      Big Hugs!


  • FormerMember

    tesco's tiramisu with cream or raspberry sherry trifle do it for me ! Everything I have has to be rweally sloppy so I can buy things like shephards pie (or make them myself) as long as I make up a mug full of gravey - but Bisto granules are really good for that - also mousakka works but I buy and extra tub of ready made cheese sauce. Sweet potatoes mash down really well - I make a kind of sweet potato lasagne - slice the sweet potatoes and boil them for 5 minutes then I layer them with soft ver which I have roasted in the overn with olive oil - aubergine, courgettes, plum tomatoes, onion and over each layer I pour Ragu white lasagne sauce and then bake in oven after topping with grated cheese - foes down ok ! the problem is that after geeting rid of my PEG and not haveing eating for seven months it was such a joy to start eating again that I am now putting on LOADS  of weight and all my lovely clothes are starting to get tight !!!!!

  • FormerMember

    The not eating is really getting me down; I keep trying, but after a few mouthfuls (mouthfuls.... who am I kidding) I start to gag again.  The ensures are keeping my weight stabilised, although I have lost over a stone.  I JUST WANT A CHIP BUTTY!!!  Or as Alison said, a mars bar.  But will there ever be a day when I can eat a chip butty?  I don't know, and nobody seems to be able to offer me any kind of hope for the future.  I know, I know, I should be grateful to be alive, and I am, really I am.  I love being around my family, watching them go through life as my heart swells with pride at the lovely people they are.  But still, ungrateful wretch that I am... I just want to eat!

    Lynn X