Forgot to introduce my self

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  • 28 subscribers

I’m a 67 year old mum of 4 wonderful sons &4 beautiful granddaughters.

I was diagnosed with triple x breast cancer on January 11th then had an operation on 23rd Feb. I feel I’ve been very lucky as they got all the cancer & lymph nodes were clear. 
now I start the chemo & then radiotherapy it seems a long journey to me but after reading some of the stories on here my journey seems short still scary though. It’s the loss of control in my life as I know I’m not going to be able to do all the things I’ve planned for this year. 

  • Hi Turtles

    I am lying awake reading your message. Sorry to hear you have triple x breast cancer. Its great news they got all the cancer and the lymph nodes are clear. Good luck with the chemo.

    I had my operation on the 16 March, having been diagnosed with triple x breast cancer on the 23 Feb. Like you, my lymph nodes were clear. I have my follow up tomorrow to find out the stage and next treatment.  

    I don't know about you, but I feel as though I am being pulled along in a dream/nightmare I am unable to wake up from. 

  • Thank you for your reply, I hope you managed to get some sleep. I think with me it hasn’t seemed real as I haven’t been sick, I recovered well from my op. My cancer was found from a routine mammogram so I didn’t have the worry of finding a lump & wondering & waiting. 
    I must admit when I got the phone call yesterday to give me the date to start my chemo, my stomach did a couple of flips. It’s the loss of control I find difficult & not knowing how Im going to react from the chemo. 
    Good luck with your appointment x

  • Thank you. I am sitting in Costa, waiting for my appointment on my 63rd birthday,  its a bit surreal. Mine too was following a routine mammogram at the end of Jan. I think the not knowing is hard, but we are fighters and can do this x

  • Happy 63rd Birthday good luck with all your treatments x

  • Thank you. Actually managed to go out for a meal with my husband and son which was lovely. The consultant she has removed allow the cancer as the margins are clear. It was bigger than they thought 19mm rather than 8mm. Next step is chemotherapy and then radiotherapy. Wishing you all the best with your chemo x