Waiting time for diagnosis to treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

So I had routine mammogram in November 2024, 3 days later I found a large lump in arm pit. A couple of days later my mammogram came back as clear. The doctor I saw referred my on an urgent referral. 2 biopsies taken lymph nodes and in the breast. These biopsies both came back as positive. Things at this point seemed to be going quite quickly. Ct scan the following day but get were waiting for results of HER2 Receptor. The panel were due to sit Christmas eve. 

2 weeks later I have a dye enhanced mammogram whilst still waiting for CT scan results and also the HER 2 results. 

The following I was still waiting so chased. Her 2 was negative and the ct scan was clear of having spread. 

I've just received my first oncology appointment for next week. How long will it be before my chemo starts after that appointment. I've been informally told it's chemo before surgery. 

It just seems to be taking forever 

  • Hi  

    I was diagnosed with TNBC in April 2022 and started my chemo a month after seeing the oncologist.

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  • Thank you.

    I managed to speak to my Breast care nurse today and she's advised it should start within 3 weeks of seeing my oncologist next Wednesday. Still a long time to wait.