Back to work - major milestone

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  • 46 subscribers

I haven't posted in a while but after 5 months post full nephrectomy I am back at work albeit only a couple of days a week.

For all those who are early days post surgery I get it can be frustrating and painful but listen to your body and take the time you need. 

I'm still suffering from nerve pain/numbness across my lower abdomen, groin and thigh but accepted I think I'll have to live with that. Next egfr check up in Sept currently 48 which  my GP feels is now normal for me. Still have the odd bad day but these are becoming less and less. 

Going to physio which is helping my hip/groin, but now need to work on the abdomen muscles I have developed quite a bulge on my right side.

There's no doubt having cancer and going through major surgery changes you both physically and mentally you need to learn the new limitations of your body but it does get easier with time. 

Finally feel confident enough to go on holiday so off to Crete at the end of Aug for some sunshine and relaxation. 

Hang in there x

  • See my post just before yours we're on the same timeline - just gone back to work after 5 months. Sorry to hear about your post op issues and hope they improve. I had a partial nephrectomy and agree with you that your body feels and behaves differently, and my core/stomach muscles are also weak. However I'm back into training - running felt horrible for ages but cycling feels great. Did a run today and starting to enjoy running again. Hope you have a good holiday and thanks for sharing. Be good to yourself!

    • Thanks, hoping to do a couple of gym sessions next week so we'll see how that goes Sweat smile 
  • When you can sleep on either side you know you have recovered. Good luck and hope you continue to get back to full fitness.