
  • 2 replies
  • 2 subscribers

hi I was diagnosed with IBC in October last year, I was referred quite quickly to the hospital, I had a mammogram and I biopsy at the hospital, I was told that day that I had IBC. I started chemotherapy in November and have now completed this. I had a mastectomy on Wednesday past and am not home recovering well: 

  • FormerMember

    Hello suzietat,

    i am so sorry for what your going through. I hope you feel better as soon as possible so you can enjoy your life again. May i ask you what were your symptoms. As i have a rash that looks like a bug bite on one of my breasts and i am extremely concerend reading sbout ibc online. I did vist the gp but she said she wasn’t concerend and put my on antibiotic. Its been 4 days now but no change. I am so concerend :(

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Habhoub

    my breast was very red and inflamed, hot to touch and swollen. My GP gave my antibiotics and said I may need a second course, but she would refer me to the hospital just in case. I got an appointment for the following week. They gave me a mammogram and a biopsy. They told me that same day that I had IBC and brought me back a week later to explain everything to me, I then had 6 rounds of chemo and surgery last week. Go back to the your Dr and have it checked out again. IBC is agressive so the sooner you get treatment started the better xx