Rig advice please.

  • 15 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Hello, so my husband will be starting radiotherapy 3 weeks today.  When the consultant told us of the treatment plan, he said that a rig would be fitted.

When we saw the dietician a bit later that day, she gave my husband the option of having it fitted.

My husbands cancer in his throat (tonsils) does not affect any of his eating habits at all.  He is fit and well and to see him you wouldn't think there was anything wrong.

My husband is now saying that he doesn't want the rig fitted.

Please advise on how bad radio therapy can be to the throat - please be brutally honest.  He really doesn't want either the stay in hospital or have the tube from his stomach.

We are going to discuss this when we go into hospital this Thursday when he has his radio mask fitting.  But just want advice from those who managed to get through without it.

Thank you for your time xx

  • Good evening, im in agreement with what the others have said about having a PEG fitted especially if the consultant has recommended it due to his/her experience dealing with cancer treatment. I did have radio and chemo plus 3 operations and had a PEG fitted every time, i could not have gotten through it without one. As Dani and Hazel mentioned they can fit an NG tube later on if swallowing becomes an issue, the trouble is nobody knows how each person is going to react to the treatment but as my consultant said "It's not a walk in the park but it's doable" sage and honest words. I hope the meeting goes well and you and your husband get your needed answers. Wishing you all the best.

                                                              Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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  • Thank you Chris, much appreciated.

  • Please advise on how bad radio therapy can be to the throat - please be brutally honest. 

    One of our forum members, Mark, has a very extensive bio worth reading here 



    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Thank you - very interesting read Beesuit x

  • my friend who husband is going through this cancer, has been called in today, to stay in for couple of days whilst fitted, its halfway through week 5 treatment for nose peg feed as he lost too much weight which will not aid his recovery after 6 weeks of radiotherapy and 2 chemos.  he was adamant that he wouldnt have it, but has no appetite for ages.  Although could swallow, hopefully he will be out this weekend, another new cancer buddy had to stay in for 10 days with the nose feed tube as she couldnt eat for 5 days and lost too much weight.  i have oesphagus cancer and my j peg tube has been my life line - i went down to under 7 stone and couldnt swallow anything, so deffo trust in the experts and as my friend said, i wish he had had it sooner,

    all the best what ever you decide, mines brilliant for all the meds i need to take, although slightly different, j peg into small bowel , via food pump x

    sending hugs jules