Memory loss

  • 14 replies
  • 51 subscribers

HI, just wondering if anyone else gets memory loss/poor concentration a lot?

Its my partner has/had the cancer finished treatment and im finding this a bit frustratiing, I try not to but I find im repeating myself a million times and while in work having to text a lot all day to remind him of things.  Hes only 47 and its starting to worry me a bit.  Will it go back to normal is it just too soon after treatment (flot Chemo Flt, all ended Sept 23 so 8 months ago approx.

Any advice greatly appreciated


  • Oh yes it’s definitely a thing ! My husband finished all his treatment mid March and he still has a short concentration span ..He can also become confused at times ..We were coming down the motorway talking about home  and he undid his seat belt thinking we had arrived there already ..I mentioned it to his specialist nurse and she said ‘Brain Fog ‘  is quite common but usually settles after time ..He also seems to have trouble with his ears but that could just be selective hearing lol

  •  thank you it seems to be more common than I had realised then..  My partner also has bad ears lol, tho he did before and then had a severe infection a while back now complaining again of ear pain.  Il mention it next week he has a review coming up, some days I think im going crazy but seems he genuinely cant remember 5 minutes ago at times.. He hasn't tried to get out of the car on the motorway yet tho lol.. always keep your doors locked eh! 

  •   thank you for this, I can agree its very frustrating and at our end it seems to be getting worse, my fella is only 47 so not far off yourself I can see him get frustrated at times/daily..hes used to doing 2 jobs now he cant work either, difficult isnt it ..  thank you for your advice

  •  thanks for this I will have a read now.  Yes my fella is the same, then if I make the tea myself he will say Im too fast for him now ...oops ok il learn to slow down and let him do things when hes ready, maybe that will help a little.