Cervical cancer stage 3b

  • 19 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi I am new here just looking for some advice and just people who is in my situation.

i was diagnosed 4 weeks ago everything has happened so fast. the tumor in my cervix is 8cm and gone a little into my pelvic wall. i am just wondering how fast treatment will start if anyone knows, as I feel everything has just come to a stand still.

i have a lot of family surrport but still feel so alone. i have been rushed to hospital twice with loss of blood. just any one who can give me a bit advice plz I would be so greatful

  • Tats don't hurt theyvare just little dots to line up the radio beams correctly each time .  Totally agree with snobird on all points.

    Be comfy and take your head phones and whatever you enjoy.

    Your team will explain everything to you 

  • One step at a time, take each day as it comes

    when you start treatment. If you feel well enough to go for that walk, or a coffee, shopping trip or meal out, then do it. 

    If you don't feel well enough to do much, don't feel guilty about it. 

    Do whats right for you 

  • Thanks soo much for this guys means alot I already feel better about my journey ahead.was ment to be on my holidays foe my 40th in 4 weeks but obviously I can't go now so just makes next year hol even more to look forward to.

  • Happy birthday for 4 weeks time !!! Hopefully it doesn't land on a chemo day (mine did! The nurses enjoyed the cookies though)

    That's exactly that, look forward to next year, what you are going through is a bump in your journey, you will overcome this and anything else that it throws your way! 

  • Hi  and welcome to our group

    Sorry I wasn’t around to say hello but I just got out of hospital myself last night after an operation on Monday.

    It’s good to see you’ve already been getting some reassuring replies from the other ladies. My best advice is to take one day at a time for now and don’t look too far ahead. I found things got better once my treatment had started and my bleeding stopped completely after 2 weeks.

    Brachytherapy can be done in different ways, so you may find yours is not the same as described by others-best not to look too far ahead to this but get advice nearer the time once you know what type you will be having and can connect with others who have had the same type. Some ladies have a single extended stay and others have a couple of shorter visits-it depends on the equipment the hospital has.

    i think you’ve maybe had your radiotherapy planning scan with the tattoos now-these are just tiny marks to line up the radiotherapy beam and don’t hurt-you will hardly be able to see them.  I waited 6 weeks from diagnosis to treatment starting, but it varies depending on your hospital and how quickly things like the radiotherapy planning scan gets done. 

    You mentioned you have been given tablets for your bleeding, but do you also have pain relief?  You should make sure you have this too. Please feel free to ask any questions in the group. Lots of us have been through chemoradiation and have come out the other side so there will be plenty of support for you going through your treatment. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah

    Hope your OK after op.

    I haven't had my planing appointment yet am assuming that is what is happening on Tuesday.

    I was rushed into hospital Sunday before last with server bleeding they were talk about giving me blood transfusion but didn't get one,came home same night and have been really unwell since dizziness tired and thing.spoke to my nurse Monday just and she said my blood levels were OK.yet I went to see my gp yesterday for unrelated thing ans she asked how I was getting on I told her and she checked on her computer and I am borderline anaemic.so she has given me some iron tablets to take so hopefully they pick me up.

    And as for pain relief I am on codine and morphine.witch I am doing OK with still niggles in background.so my gp wants to see me again in two weeks.she talking about taking the codine away and putting me on slow release morphine as well as oramorph.

    Again thanks for speaking with me and hope you recover well from your op.

    Emma xxxx

  • Thanks  

    I’m doing pretty well all things considered! I’m glad you've got decent pain relief-being in pain can really wear you down, so keeping on top of it will help you, and hopefully once you start your treatment that will also help. The iron tablets should give you a boost but one thing I do remember from strong painkillers and iron tablets is that they can make you constipated so just keep an eye on that so it doesn’t become an issue for you. 

    Sounds like that appointment on Tuesday will be to plan the radiotherapy treatment so you’ll get a scan and have the tattoo markers put on. I wasn’t told in advance to have an empty bowel for this so try to make sure you’ve been to the loo before the scan. I was sent home with suppositories without the scan being done as my bowel wasn’t empty and I had to go back the next day for it which was a hassle. 

    There’s a lot going on with scans and appointments when you first get diagnosed, so just make sure you are understanding everything-it’s a lot to take in. Don’t be afraid to ask the doctors to explain anything you’re not sure about or repeat things that are not clear. They sometime forget we’re patients and not doctors ourselves! 

    We’ll all be happy to help too with our own experiences of going through this so just ask away if you need any help with anything. It’s lovely to have good family support but sometimes it’s just helpful to talk to people who have been through this and can understand what it’s like. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah.

    I will take something from today ready for Tuesday so it dont delay things more.

    Get well soon.

    Fingers crossed it all starts really soon and I can start crossing the days off.and get ready to turn the page ready for next chapter in my life 

  • It’s a good idea to mark the days off as you go, and it lets you see how far you’ve come- I found that helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Every day done is a day closer to finishing the treatment, and hopefully you won’t have long to wait after Tuesday for your treatment to start.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm