Empathy or Lack of Empathy

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Hi everyone 

From having a mammogram and then being called to have a scan and ending up with biopsy in breast and lymph nodes to diagnosis has been very surreal.  
My first appointment with Oncologist to discuss treatment did not go as well as I had so much anxiety and had to wait for 3 hours in a waiting room with a lot of people at different stages. After seeing her and discussing treatment, I expressed my anxiety about picc line and she said to me if you don’t like it, you can go to another hospital. To say the list tge nurse and I were shocked at her response. To say least, she is no longer my oncologist and I’m in the same hospital with new oncologist.  I had picc line last week before my second cycle which went fine despite my anxiety, however it traumatised my daughter. I have found ways if dealing with needle phobia etc. A friend was having treatment just before my chemo starting and as she was next to me abd were chatting, suddenly took a bad turn and Drs&  nurses rushing to help her.  She recovered very quickly and we have been speaking daily and doing well. I did find that day very emotional. The chemo ward was very busy. Dinner ladies came and asking what people like. Me first as I was first chair. I asked what they had as I can’t eat very much and was told and asked for salad. Then when they went to others, one of the dinner ladies started being rude. Saying you are taking too long to decide or why do you change your mind. So patient said, do yiu think I enjoy coming here sitting being hooked up for hours? 
This has made me think of lack of empathy. Every time I’m told to carry on as normal as possible and even though I take every day as it comes, my life is not normal. Between side effects, daily injections and trying to keep family upbeat too, it is not a normal life. Our lives have changed. 
I think it’s time to challenge lack of empathy.  I’ve had great nurses and am thankful. However we do need more understanding. 

We will keep going. x

  • Hi Mucca, thank you for sharing this. 

    I have had similar experiences with hospital staff, ie a lack of empathy.

    I completed 5 months of chemo in November.  I found the chemo day unit a bit like a production line. It really wasn't set up/staffed to allow for any 'extras'. Empathy seemed in short supply.

    I'm not sure if it's because some hospitals are so stretched and pressured that they can only see patients as numbers. I really don't know but I found it demoralising sometimes. 

    When I realised how it was going to be. I stopped expecting it from the medics and I looked for emotional support elsewhere. Both family and other professionals.  

    I'm not sure where you are located. But I'd encourage you to look for any cancer support centres local to you. Many have groups and activities you can participate in and offer opportunities to be around other people who know that things are not 'normal ' during cancer treatment. 

    Wishing you all the very best with your ongoing treatment. 

    Hugs, Shaka