Hi I have just joined this forum as was diagnosed 3 mths ago with breast cancer

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I have had my operation and start radiotherapy in the new year . I have been on a drug called letrozole for the past 8 weeks but the side affects have been horrendous.
The joint pains I have had from this medication has been so painful that I have cried with the pain . Also hot sweats , flushes , mood swings .

My consultant has taken me off it so I will be trying a new one . Does anyone have any advice for me on other meds and have they been not as awful as this one . 

  • Hi Shazzi64,

    I am on Letrozole also. I didn't have many side effects to begin with but now coming up to 12 weeks and I don't have pain in my joints but have become really stiff. I hope it eases.

    Good luck with other meds I have been on any but I have read posts on here from others who may respond to you soon.

    Good luck with your recovery xx

  • Totally with you on that one.

     Where do you get your aches and pains mainly?

     Mine are in my shoulders, arms and wrist and fingers

  • Mostly my hands back and knees. I'm really stiff in the mornings it's my ankles and feet. As the day wears on its my back and hips. My fingers are constantly stiff.

    I use effervescent paracetamol which gives some relief. I will put up with the side effects for a bit longer  and hopefully they settle. I'm too scared the cancer will return if I don't take them xx

  • I was on letrozole for a few months. Side effects were painful joints and stiffness plus some minor hair loss and very dry skin. I’m now on Exemestane and have similar problems. 

    Exercise helps with the stiffness. 

    It’s difficult to say whether those effects and the hot/cold sweats are from the drugs or the menopause/coming off HRT. 

  • Hi my pain is in shoulders knees hips wrists fingers . Basically everywhere ,just so painful . I’m off them now but it will take few weeks for it to leave my system .