12 weeks in and still feel none the wiser

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Bit of background.....

4th March, referred to one stop breast clinic following finding a lump in my right breast late Feb.

21st March, one stop breast clinic appointment where examination, mammogram, sectional mammogram and ultrasound were carried out. Calcifications were found, so next step was a biopsy under mammographic guidance.

12th April, biopsy under mammographic guidance.

18th April, called in a week earlier than planned to confirm it was invasive breast cancer (no specific type) and then taken into a room by my breast care nurse to be given the talk and information pack. Told that I would be having surgery but first must have an MRI to check for any other shadows. The surgery has been provisionally booked for 2nd May, dependant on the MRi results. 

25th April, pre op assessment (even though I'd not yet even had my MRI)

26th April, MRI

1st May, I receive a call from the surgery waiting list team, confirming my surgery for the next day, yet haven't had my MRI results. The confusion  prompts my consultant to calls me to explain there is another shadow in my right breast that must be investigated with an ultrasound so surgery put on hold.

3rd May, Ultrasound carried out but unable to detect, therefore the radiographer suggests I will need to have a mammogram with contrast (CSM) and luckily (or not) there was someone available to do it while I was there. Long story short, various attempts to cannulate failed and on the successful attempt, the contrast when into my tissue rather than my vein so procedure did not work. 

9th May, 2nd attempt at CSM and thankfully it worked. Now to await results to know if surgery could go ahead.

16th May, CSM results in, shadow nothing to worry about, surgery for WLE and SLB confirmed for 11th June.

27th June, results day. (Finally) Original tumour 24mm removed with clear margins, the second shadow that was given the all clear turned out to be cancer but non invasive and was also removed. The blue dye only highlighted one sentinel lymph node but that was positive so CT scan needed to check from neck to pelvis and if that comes back okay, then next step in to remove axillary lymph nodes and original potential treatment plan of radiotherapy and hormone therapy may change. To see consultant for results in two weeks. 

28th June CT scan carried out.

11th July, I call my BC nurse following being on the agenda to be discussed in yesterday's MDT meeting. She confirms CT all good but she need to speak with my consultant after his clinic this morning, and will call me back to let me know when I will have my appointment with him to officially discuss these results and prep for next surgery etc. No callback. I gave the benefit of the doubt and allowed until the next day when I called the BC Nurse team again and after speaking with the admin staff was assured either she or my nurse will call me back. Still no callback, despite leaving a further voicemail later in the afternoon and now here I am, wondering if I am being irrational for being frustrated, even when she has at least given me the positive news that my CT was clear?

I don't know if I was 'oversold' the support I would get from the BC nurse team at my diagnosis or if I'm just expecting too much? 

I blame myself for not asking enough questions throughout this journey so far, but now all of a sudden, I have so many and feel a little more in control and ready to take the bull by the horns but almost feel abandoned somewhat. I still have no idea of type and stage, only been told its hormone related (again, my fault for not asking more questions).

Sorry to share so much but have been struggling this last week and needed to word vomit it all out.  

  • Hi Babybel, 

    Thank you for your kind words.

    My treatment is going okay so far. Minor symptoms, fatigue just not feeling 100%. Heartburn, I'm even managing my self administration of injections. I'm not sure what I expected but at the minute I'm doing okay.

    I hope your stress is reducing and your able to be kind to yourself.

    It's quite hard to put yourself first when you have been busy always working and looking after others. But u am slowly learning yo listen to my body. Family and friends have been kind. 

    Happy to chat anytime, I find these forums helpful xx