Back to work after breast cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 305 subscribers

Hello all, I hope you're keeping well.  I have been back to work for 4 weeks now after being off for three months. I just can't believe how my job description has changed during my absence and  I feel like I am  a burden to my team now  as they decided to go on and do their own thing, like my 12 years experience did not matter at all. I am truly  distraught as I have been working so hard to achieve my current  position,  which is slowly being taken away from me  due to my cancer. The worst thing is that my manager stays so quiet,  like is  something brewing before it explodes. Has anybody gone through the same and could share some tips? Why the cancer and being away for 3 months can change things so drastically.  What has happened to a human nature and empathy for other human beings. 

  • Hi Aggie L, so sorry to hear this is happening to you. I guess sometimes things change when we are off for a long time, but adjustments also should be made now that you're back.   Are you able to have a 1-1 with your manager and tell them how you're feeling?  Or can you request a meeting with your HR Manager?   From a legal perspective, your employer cannot treat you differently due to your cancer, you have legal protection but hopefully you are able to resolve this by talking to them.  Best wishes 

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  • Hi AggieL welcome to the forum. Changing your job description, then expecting you just to step back in without consultation with  you is not acceptable and the company have  a responsibility to you under the Disability Discrimination Act due to your Cancer diagnosis. Can you please give the Macmillan Line a call and speak to one of the Advisors there as they can direct you to sources of support to speak to your employers about  and also support you to find a way through this. 08088080000., 


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