Going back to normal after breast cancer

  • 12 replies
  • 309 subscribers

Hello all, I am currently completing my radiotherapy treatment, only 5 days and planning to get back to work in August after being off for 3 months. I had a DCIS invasive cancer , stage 1. I must admHeartt that my cancer journey has been truly overwhelming emotionally and  physically. I am anxious returning to work as my energy levels might vary for some time to come and my worry is that my manager mHeartght think that I am o.k now ,so I should be back to normal. How do you get back to the new normal?

  • Thank you so much for everything. All the best wishes Pray 

  • Hi Aggie L. 

    Thank you for starting this thread. 

    I'm in the same position as you and want to go back to work but the way I'm feeling 10 weeks after surgery and a month in on Letrozole means I'm worried about driving to work (nearly an hour away) and standing for long periods of time. My consultant has agreed to delay the radiotherapy until after my holiday in August so it doesn't spoil the holiday for us. I was hoping to be back in September but now looks like it could be longer if the effects of radiotherapy kick in a few weeks afterwards. My GP has been great and signed me off until late September now. 

    I feel the same way as you, anxious about my manager expecting me to be back to normal but having spoken to friends who have been through this, they advised me to take each day as it comes and the advice from everyone here is so helpful. Could you speak to occupational health too? My manager has said we'll have a meeting at some point with them to see what adaptations they can make when I return. 

    All the best for your recovery and look after yourself. x