Surgery for lympoedema

  • 3 replies
  • 5 subscribers

Hi, I'd like to share experiences with anyone who had surgery in st. Thomas. London under Dr.  Browse for lymphoedema. 

Thanks for any help.


  • Can I as why. My operation was in the north east and because I had lymph nodes removed as part of my operation to halt the spread of future cancer. I had OC  and I did suffer badly at the time with lymph in my legs.

  • Hi

    I haven't had any surgery but I am suffering with lymphoema and would be interted in knowing what surgery you had and if it has helped.

  • So sorry for the late reply. It was the results of my surgery that I suffer with lymph. I think you be best to speak to MacMillan nurse. They have a free tel. Phone number on the site. Best of luck and hope they will point you in the right direction