Cold drinks

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  • 38 subscribers

I have stage 4 colorectal cancer and have just finished my first round of chemo next 1 is in 2 weeks one of the chemotherapy I'm having is cold sensitive and I've been told to avoid cold drinks for a few days do you know how long I have to avoid them please 

  • Hello Mr Trace65xx

    Thank you for your question about side effects to treatment. My name is Sarah, one of the Cancer Information Nurses on the Macmillan Support Line.

    Welcome to our online community.

    You are right in saying that some chemotherapy drugs have a side effect which means you have Sensitivity to cold. It is important to follow advice from your chemotherapy nurses about managing this.

    The time you can be sensitive to cold can start on day of treatment to a few days afterwards. This does vary with each person so important to be aware of what may happen and how to manage it if the sensitivity hasn’t worn off.

    Some patients find that the time they must be cautious, is longer after each chemotherapy treatment.

    I hope this helps to answer your question. If you are worried you can talk this through with your chemotherapy team at your next appointment.

    You may find it helpful to talk this through with others going through chemotherapy treatment, on our online chemotherapy forum.

    All the best with your treatment and feel free to get back in touch if we can help with anything else.

    Best Wishes

    Sarah, Cancer information Nurse Specialist

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email

    Ref/ SS/AP

    Sarah S-Macmillan Cancer Information Nurse Specialist