Bowel Cancer-Diet Issues

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I had an operation early September last year for Bowel Cancer, and got fitted with a Stoma Bag.  I only had the Stoma Bag for a week and deteriorated quickly and my Consultant did an emergency Reversal.  I was in hospital just under 3 weeks.

My Bowel is all over the place when it comes to eating.  Some days I can go the loo around 20 times, and then another day I go once, its all very random.  I am struggling with my diet and what to eat and trying to calorie count at the same time as the Doctor said I should lose weight. 

I am 6"0, 52, I was just under 14 stone before my problems started as I  was misdiagnosed by the GP and just said it was piles.  I am now 12 stone.  I walk 3 miles every day, 7 days a week which I was told is good for me, but I do wander whether I am overdoing it on the Walking.

I am having quite a lot of stomach pain in one of the areas they went in and feel it all the time.  It does not like my polo shirt touching the area, its very sensitive.  Its worrying as I had this before I had the Colonoscopy. 

When I last saw the GP, he said just to take Immodium and that was his answer to my problem.  I have never taken that, as I would rather go to the loo instead.  Unfortunately several times a week quite often I am up to the loo at 3am and then struggle to get back to sleep again.

I would like to get myself fitter and more back to normal before trying to find a job in accountancy as I was studying exams for this last year while I was under the weather, but of course I did not know at the time as the surgery begrudgingly gave me a fit test and the score came back at more than 400.

I have stopped eating sausages, beef, pork, bacon etc, and I only eat chicken or fish. 

I have a bowel of cereal with raspberries in the morning for breakfast, and then I have my main meal lunchtime, I have done this since July of last year when I had my Colonoscopy.  In the evening I have a kit kat, sandwich with white bread and a bag of crisps.

I would love any guidance on diet etc or where to turn next as my GP's are useless and I can never get an appointment and have to wait a few months.

I am due to have a phone call from the Hospital in April this year and will have a further Colonoscopy in September 2025.

Many thanks




  • Hi James,

    Thanks for getting in touch and welcome to the online community. My name is Fiona and I’m one of the Macmillan cancer information nurses.

    I see from your profile that you have joined the bowel cancer forum. I hope you’re finding it supportive.

    I’m sorry to read about the issues you have been having since your surgery for bowel cancer.

    I wonder if you have asked to be referred to a dietician for help and advice. You can ask your nurse specialist or GP about a referral.

    Bowel Cancer UK has information about diet after treatment which you may find helpful.

    The World Cancer Research Fund has a booklet Eat Well During Cancer that may be useful. There is also access to oncology dieticians on their helpline.

    You have said that you have a phone call with the hospital in April. We would suggest contacting your nurse specialist about the issues you are having to see what advice they can give. They would want to know if you are having issues.

    Here is some further information about diet and cancer and a link to our booklet Healthy Eating and Cancer.

    I hope this information helps. Please feel free to get back in touch if you want more information or support.

    Best wishes,

    Fiona P,

    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email

    Ref: FP/LJ