I was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer in April. I have since undergone radiotherapy and chemotherapy. My chemotherapy finished on 11th October and a week later I had an endoscopy.
This came back all clear and I had an MRI and Ct scan on 18th November and I was told last week that they are all clear and so I don't need surgery and I'm now on Watch and Wait, with my next lot of scans due at the end of January.
All this was a huge relief as you can imagine and the best news I could have hoped for.
However yesterday I started bleeding again when passing stools. Something that had stopped months ago.
Obviously I will inform my doctor after the Christmas break but I'm just worried that it might mean the cancer has returned.
Can the cancer return that quickly and give me symptoms (it's been a month since my scans) showed nothing)
This has been a huge shock after such good news last week.
I have just read something about late starting effects of the chemo. I'd not heard of this, is this common and a possibility?
Thank you.