good evening to everyone
Τhis is my first time posting to the community and I ended up here looking like you for information on the glioblastoma that was diagnosed this summer. I
have been lost in a lot of information searching the internet which may not be the best solution. the community here is the best I've found. Everyone's situation is different and individualized and needs discussion with their doctors. but experiences are useful.
I'm looking for hope and something optimistic where at least in this phase of the beginning that I find myself giving a little boost and not throwing on the floor. I have a very supportive wife and also a young daughter.
The most optimistic I'm looking for is cases where the life extension exceeded the expected limits, it was years. I have read such cases but I would like such live experiences more collected in one post. that after diagnosis there are people who endured 7-8-10+ years beyond showing symptoms which is another matter. I am asking for examples of people who were diagnosed with glioblastoma years ago and are still alive.
it is the most practical optimistic example I can read.
psychology is unfortunately important and usually positive news is not easily reported on the internet because it is more difficult or because it is not evaluated as correct
Please little hope, little Push