My thank you letter to Cancer!!

1 minute read time.


Lately I have realized I should thank you for who I am today. You have changed my life completely. Of course in a good way . I am strong mentally,physically and emotionally. I have overcome fear and not scared of anything not even of you. You have tortured me, terrified me but at the same time taught me how to be brave and handle worst situation without panicking.

Thank you cancer ,because of you I came to know I can look beautiful without hair. Because of you I came to know how much everyone cares for me, loves me . I was pampered like a child.

Thank you cancer for showing me the beautiful world again in a different way. You taught me not to crib for small things. When I see people suffering and when I see bigger problems these small things really doesn’t count. Thank you for teaching me how to be humble and brave at the same time.

Thank you cancer for teaching me what is important in life so that I can set my priorities right. Thank you once again but I really don’t want to be in touch with you in future.

I write this to thank you for who I am today. Welcoming life with a smile…

