27 - 31st March updates

2 minute read time.

27th March

We had friends come to visit today for lunch at a local pub. I learnt my lesson this time and didn’t have a starter and only ate ½ of everything on my plate. It was a delightful lunch and catch up and our friends showered me with flowers and gifts!

 28th March

I woke up feeling sick again, about a level 5 or 6 but that passed later on.

Today was my first full day at the Hospice. I met a retired Guide Dog called Heidi and had a lovely light lunch. The complimentary session I opted for was reflexology. That was very relaxing and the day shot by.

The nurse looking after me has arranged for an occupational therapist to call round and assess our bathroom as one thing I am starting to struggle with is showering. I get rather out of breath just showering myself. The occupational therapist is going to see if it is possible to get me some sort of seat for the bath/shower. Not sure is this is possible as we live in a very small 2 bedroom house with an equally small bathroom.

29th March

I woke up feeling a bit sick again, probably about a level 7 so a bit more than usual. I didn’t do much as the weather was rubbish, but I didn’t feel too bad once the sickness feeling had passed so that was a bonus. I did go into town to get a passport photo done for my disabled blue badge application though. I opted for a bandana in the photo as I’m not completely sure I like my wig.

The occupational therapist came round and said I couldn’t have a seat but she will get me a bath board.

30th March

Hubby has suggested that I should actually record how I feel each day, how I slept etc. etc. so I will try and make sure I record that sort of stuff from now as that is what is important.

I didn’t have a great night’s sleep as I woke about 2.30 feeling a bit numb in my hip and knee. I only got up the once to go to the loo but that wasn’t until about 6am. Sickness level was better, about a level 4. I eventually got up about 9am and by the time I had showered it was 11am.

Not too bad during the day so we had our usual couple of Friday night drinks in the pub followed by homemade pizza :)

 31st March

Only got up once again during the night – I’ve discovered that an alcoholic drink prior to going to bed stops me getting up too much – not really a sensible recommendation though! I still felt sick when I got up but not as much.

Today was bag change day after my weekly bath. Not sure what was done differently this time but it’s really sore when moving. I think that the tube might have moved too far in or out? Back on the paracetamol to help with the pain :(

  • FormerMember

    Hi Miffy-Moo,

    Today I read your entire blog on my lunch break.  I have found it really enlightening hearing what you go through on a daily basis.  You are the first MacMillan blog I have read and I have automatically decided that I need to email subscribe to yourself.

    This year I am looking to raise as much money as possible for MacMillan by doing the MacMillan Mighty Hike in the Lake District.  I have reach my minimum target of £250 to do the hike but that is definitely not enough.

    I want to thank you for blogging because it's giving me a little more of an understanding to what a life with cancer is like.

    I have one question if you would be so kind to answer.  I was wondering, through your journey so far, what has MacMillan done to support you the most?

    Finally I'd just like to say one thing that made me smile when reading your blog is all the mentions of your "Lovely Hubby".

    Best Wishes and Lots of Love!,


  • FormerMember

    Hi Pam, thanks for taking the time to read my (rather lengthy!) blog. 

    In reply to your question regarding Macmillan. I was advised to contact them by both my father and mother-in-law as both of them found them really helpful during their experiences with cancer. I haven't had much need to speak to them so far though as when they first contacted me I actually felt 'ok' so I am just 'on their books' at the moment. They have sent me a letter with their contact details confirming that I can call them at any time and they will come and visit me for a chat.

    My hubby is currently working his way through their cookbook (yummy!) and they do have lots of literature available both online and in paper form at the chemo unit where I go on all sorts of subjects cancer related.

    All the best with your hike !!!

  • FormerMember

    Miffy-Moo I can't tell you how happy I am that you replied to me.  Your answer to my question was very useful, MacMillan do so much for so many people and it's good to know that they are here for you.

    Thank you to much! and I am very honoured to be doing to the hike, so that MacMillan can continue doing there very best for everyone that needs them. 

    Pam x