What would/did you do?

Less than one minute read time.

After stating to my Doctor this week that if he offerred me 5 years of pain free enjoyable life without any treatment, or 20 years feeling as bad as I have over the last 6 weeks, I would gladly take the former, he said he could!

Obviously I need to consider this and discuss with my family, but any comments would be greatly appreciated.

My injection for Zoladex was due again on 9 May, cancelled.  Prescribed soladex, but haven't used any yet (only got yesterday).  Last night was first decent sleep in 6 weeks, ie not lying awake for hours, got up twice to empty bladder, and straight back to sleep both times.

  • FormerMember

    Think a lot would depend on your age and personal circumstances.  I am more near 70 - so I would go for the first option as I don't see me reaching 90.   I would be inclined to phone the helpline and question this doctor's advice.



  • FormerMember

    Sorry you've been having problems with the treatment.  It's a big decision to make and - from the sound of your status updates - it's not clear whether you've had a chance to sit down with your oncologist for a decent discussion of the implications of the different options.  You can also ask for a second opinion, too, to see what another consultant would recommend.  Phoning the Macmillan helpline is also a good idea.

    One other thought is that 6 weeks might seem like a long time if your feeling rubbish, but people do adopt to and get used to treatment - it could be worth persisting with things a little longer to see if things improve?  I'm being treated for a different cancer, and having some (thankfully, non-dramatic) health problems due to the treatment.  If you'd told me 2 years ago that I'd have been in this position now, I'd have been pretty gutted - but I've adjusted to things to a fair extent and am still able to do most of the things I enjoy and find worthwhile.  You may well make different choices - which is quite reasonable - but it could be worth taking a little longer to see if you adjust to the treatment?

  • FormerMember

    I am sure there are alternatives to Zoladex that you can take.....?  Its definitely worth some research and a serious discussion with your Oncologist

  • FormerMember

    Many thanks for comments,


    Sascha, my oncologist hung on me the last time I spoke to him, as I advised him I would prefer to have Hi Frequency Ultrasound than RT!  That was as a result of seeing a TV documentary about it.  As it happens I was ineligible for that as my gleeson score was too high!  (I think he should have known that!)

    Also my specialist nurse says zoladex is the preferred hormone therapy for my degree of cancer (T3, gleeson as advised, and PSA of 29.8).


    Solent Lady and Ground - I am seeing my GP this Friday, he is talking to my urologist this week!


    Again many thanks to all, will advise you of my decision.

  • FormerMember

    Saw my GP last friday, we decided to go with casodex 150mg tablets daily for the next three months, to see how I go.

    I had PSA blood test taken yesterday (Monday), will get results on Thursday.

    Anyone know what score I should be hoping for? (Was 29.09 before I had the zoladex injection in February).

    Any comments appreciated!

